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ARP gives Aillagon the thumbs-up


The French film industry’s writers’, producers’ and directors’ association, ARP, came out in support of the measures that the Minister for Culture and Communications, Jean-Jacques Aillagon announced on 30 April to safeguard the national film industry.
ARP approves the increase of support for independent companies and the plan to increase the levy on home video products but called for a cut in VAT on VHS and DVDs in order to encourage more people to buy them. ARP also called for state intervention in the home video sector, which is considered to be the French film industry’s weakest link.
Although ARP agreed to almost all the reforms announced by minister Aillagon (support for local production, technical industries and foreign sales, a rethink of fiscal sweeteners and defence of the cultural diversity clause) the association feels that the current code of behaviour for the distribution sector is insufficient. Unlike their colleagues in BLOC and BLOC, ARP gave Aillagon’s reforms the thumbs up.

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(Translated from French)

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