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60 European docs


Denmark’s first-ever International Documentary Festival will be held in Copenhagen from 7-16 November 2003, sponsored and organised by Zentropa Productions, in the person of one of the company's founders, Lars von Trier, with Carsten Holst, the head of Zentropa’s documentary arm, Zentropa Real, and film directors Jørgen Leth, Jon Bang Carlsen and Mikala Krogh, the artistic director of Filmkontakt Nord, Karolina Lidin and journalist Lars Movin.
In addition, Cph: dox, organised by the NatFilm Festivalen, with the Danish Film Institute’s film library and the European Documentary Network, are bringing a preliminary packet of 10 films produced under the auspices of the European Coordination of Film Festivals Docs in Europe initiative and Denmark will be represented by 66 Scener fra Amerika by Jørgen Leth and Før Gæsterne kommer di Jon Bang Carlsen.

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(Translated from Italian)

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