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The European Film Commissions Network renews its board of directors


- The association’s board of directors was renewed in Turin at the General Assembly

The European Film Commissions Network renews its board of directors

The European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN) has voted in its new board of directors and has elected Truls Kontny, from the Film Commission Norway, as its new president. Mikael Svensson, from the Oresund Film Commission, was elected vice-president. The position of General Secretary will now be held by Valérie Lépine-Karnik, from Film France, and Brodie Pringle (Creative Scotland) will be the new treasurer. The new board members are: Andrea Rocco (Genova Liguria Film Commission), Carlos Rosado Cobiàn (Film Commission Spain), Christiane Raab (Berlin Brandenburg Film Commission) and Jacques Paul Georges Mer (Algarve Film Commission).

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New president Kontny said he wanted to collaborate with other European film organisations for the benefit of the audiovisual industry in Europe. He also thanked former president Arie Bohrer and his board for their work. Bohrer commented: “When we founded the EUFCN eight years ago, we did not even know how many Film Commissions existed in Europe. In most cases, the film industry was not aware of how important and necessary the function of a film commissioner was. Today, we are a well-respected organisation, and our job is recognised by the industry and by governments. In the future, I myself will support the EUFCN as much as I can. I wish the newly elected president, Truls, and the board the best of luck and every success for their upcoming activities.”

Furthermore, the association has decided to organise a two-day workshop on cooperation for its members, the aim being to increase the participants’ knowledge of co-production, to share experiences and to provide inspiration for a better cooperation within the European audiovisual industry.

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