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Igor Cobileanski preparing Eastern Business


- The Alien Film production starts shooting in July

Igor Cobileanski preparing Eastern Business
Igor Cobileanski

Two years after his feature debut, The Unsaved [+see also:
film review
film profile
, was met with positive reviews in the East of the West competition at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, Igor Cobileanski is preparing his new directorial effort, Eastern Business [+see also:
film review
film profile
. The film is produced by Alien Film (Romania), represented by producer Iuliana Tarnoveţchi, and co-produced by Just a Moment (Lithuania), represented by Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė

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Pitched as an “Eastern comedy with a touch of drama” and as a “crazy road movie”, Eastern Business follows Marian, a 45-year-old choir singer who desperately needs money if he wants to marry his beloved Veronica. In order to get the start-up money for a profitable business, Marian sells his scooter to Petro, a 40-year-old construction worker. It is the bumpy beginning of an unlikely friendship, as the two men become business partners in search of a quick buck.

The film will use the famous Moldovan-Romanian talent for (business) improvisation as a source of humour. “I want to explore a world where everyone makes the best of a bad bargain” and where “all people have dreams, but not the proper conditions to fulfil them”, said Cobileanski, who is also the scriptwriter.

The cast is not yet in place, but contracts with the main actors will be signed before the end of the month. The DoP is Feliksas Abrukauskas, the winner of a Silver Crane for his cinematography on Kristina Buožytė’s Vanishing Waves [+see also:
film review
interview: Kristina Buozyte
film profile

Shooting will start on 15 July, and the production will wrap in the second week of August. Although the misadventures of the two protagonists take place in Moldova and Ukraine, the film will be shot in the Romanian countryside and small provincial towns (Titu, Găeşti and Urziceni).

Eastern Business will be released during summer 2016.

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