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A new way for European cinema


- The future, nurturing young talent, support, the new EU, cultural diversity: issues on the agenda of the first cultural meeting of the 25

The first edition European Film Day, held in Cannes, saw the ministers for culture of 13 EU member states meet with representatives of the 25 countries that now make up the Union. The event was hosted by festival president, Gilles Jacob and French culture minister, Jean-Jacques Aillagon. In her opening speech, EU Culture Commissioner, Viviane Reding said the event was "the result of a common desire for European unity through pride in the film industry."
Reding called for more entrepreneurial spirit to nurture European talent in the future and emphasised the unanimity of Europe’s ministers to “find the means to support and sustain creativity." A strategy that should also include training and creating cultural awareness amongst European youth, the so-called "zapping generation", through events like Cinedays.
Reding said that the idea behind Cinedays was to encourage younger generations to see European films, adding that the first edition was a huge success that brought together 45 European broadcasters, 200 cities and 30,000 schools. The second edition, scheduled for 10-25 October 2003 is likely to better that.
Jean-Jacques Aillagon said all EU representatives shared common goals: respect for the cultural diversity that is an integral part of the future Treaty of Europe, improve the circulation of European films, encourage co-production and create awareness of the cultural richness of European cinema.
Reding and Aillagon also agreed on the need to remove the obstacles to creative mobility and called for the implementation of national reforms to encourage more European co-production.

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(Translated from French)

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