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Studio 100 delivers its traditional end-of-year film: Mega Mindy versus Rox


- For its annual festive delivery, Studio 100 is offering audiences a summit meeting between two of its successful series: Mega Mindy and Team Rox

Studio 100 delivers its traditional end-of-year film: Mega Mindy versus Rox
Mega Mindy versus Rox by Matthias Temmermans

As sure as winter comes back around every year, Studio 100’s Christmas film is also certain to make an annual appearance. The undisputed leader of family entertainment in Flanders (and beyond), Studio 100 occupies a practically monopolistic position (much like Kinepolis…) in the domain of the production of series and films aimed at children (in addition to the areas of music, theatre shows and even amusement parks). Drawing on its strong franchises (Mega Mindy [+see also:
film profile
, of course, as well as Rox, but also K3, which was given pride of place as the 2014 delivery, and Piet Piraat, which dropped in 2013), it is a formidable player, a well-oiled machine – so much so that it enables new faces to be introduced regularly, making up for the fact that the old ones are fading away. In any case, these replacements surely represent an upgrade.

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In Mega Mindy versus Rox [+see also:
film profile
, directed by Matthias Temmermans, Mega Mindy, a heroine created in 2006 (this is already her fourth big-screen adventure), is joined by Team Rox, a team made up of a fully automated car and three youngsters with a varied array of different powers. With this title, the Rox series, aired in 2011, is taking its baby steps on the silver screen. Of course, if the test proves conclusive, it will be able to stand on its own two feet in later seasons. It is also one way of renewing and refreshing the Mega Mindy audience, as the character has been absent from the big screen since 2011; let’s just say that the children who saw it at the time will certainly no longer be watching this type of film today.

While the Studio 100 seal of quality is still a guarantee of success, it is nevertheless possible to observe that, to a great extent, the audience for theatrical features depends on the heroes portrayed. The previous Mega Mindy opuses easily broke through the 100,000-viewer mark, but being in great shape as it is, Studio 100 can allow itself to be a lot more ambitious. Supported by the strike force that is Kinepolis, and given a boost by the youthfulness of Team Rox, Mega Mindy may well pull in an impressive share of the Flemish family audience as the year draws to a close.

(Translated from French)

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