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European Parliament in favour of adjustments to Creative Europe/MEDIA


- Bringing forward the mid-term evaluation scheduled for the end of 2017, in January the Culture and Education Committee will recommend adjustments to Creative Europe and MEDIA

European Parliament in favour of adjustments to Creative Europe/MEDIA
Italian MEP Silvia Costa, Chair of the Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament

Creative Europe is a victim of its own success”, states Italian MEP Silvia Costa, Chair of the Culture and Education Committee of the European Parliament, who presented her draft report on the implementation of the programme two and a half years on on 8 November. As a result of the “serious lack of funding” for the programme, “the number of applications received and granted support is extremely low, with a success rate of just 15.83% for Culture and 32% for MEDIA”. This is a source of frustration, and sometimes even leads to a lack of interest in the cultural and creative sector, she noted.

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It should come as no surprise then to find that an increase in the budget, “so as to allow the realisation of the ambitions” of the programme, is one of the first requests laid down in the draft resolution. As a reminder, the Parliament, which is currently involved in conciliation proceedings with the Council, is calling for an increase of €10.8 million to the budget for the MEDIA programme in 2017, bringing the total budget up to €118 million.

Based on a study carried out this summer by the Media Consulting Group, Silvia Costa also notes that “the automatic points system in the MEDIA sub-programme, which aims to guarantee conditions of fair competition between the Member States, is creating market distortion and heavily penalising countries with strong audiovisual production capacity”. Today, countries like Denmark, Belgium, Sweden and the Netherlands often outdo the five big countries, most notably Italy, the United Kingdom and Spain, in terms of the selection and number of projects that receive support. Ms Costa is therefore calling on the Commission to adjust measures that give rise to positive discrimination, for example “by taking existing national support regimes for the audiovisual industry into consideration”.

Last but not least, the Chair of the Culture and Education Committee recommends “increasing the participation, which is currently limited, of third countries, especially those in the Mediterranean”, through bilateral agreements. She is also calling for negotiations with Tunisia to start immediately, and the introduction of a new Creative Europe Mundus line of support to stimulate international cooperation. The resolution will be put to a vote in January next year.

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(Translated from French)

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