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SIAE Figures: confirmed recovery in the first quarter of 2016


- According to figures released by the Italian Society of Authors and Editors, Italian film continued to grow in the first six months of this year, confirming the trend seen in the same period of 2015

SIAE Figures: confirmed recovery in the first quarter of 2016
Quo vado? by Gennaro Nunziante

The Italian film industry is clearly on the road to recovery looking at the figures compiled by the Statistics Office of the Italian Society of Authors and Editors and released yesterday. Whilst 2015 marked the end of the crisis, SIAE’s figures for the first half of 2016 show a country which, after terror alerts, has recovered the trust and composure needed to invest in leisure sectors, namely film, theatre, music and sport.

The percentages are encouraging across all sectors, most of all in film, which, in the first half of 2016, confirmed the growth trend seen in the same period of the previous year: there was an increase in screenings (+5.00%), admissions (+14.35%), box-office takings (+14.50%), public spending (+14.83%), and turnover (+14,88%), with greater percentages overall than one year ago. The average admission price has remained effectively unchanged, undergoing an increase of just 0.13%. In terms of geographical distribution, almost all area indicators are on the up.

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The box-office champion of the first half of 2016 was Quo vado? [+see also:
making of
film profile
, directed by Gennaro Nunziante and starring Checco Zalone, followed by another Italian film, Perfect Strangers [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Paolo Genovese. Both films recently received Golden Ticket awards at Sorrento (see news article). In a Top Ten otherwise dominated by American titles (including The Revenant, Zootropolis and Captain America - Civil War in third, fourth and fifth place respectively), you have to slide down to eighth place to find another European title, The Little Prince [+see also:
making of
film profile
by Mark Osborne.

To see the complete report click here.

(Translated from Italian)

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