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Robin Hood: Origins starts filming in Croatia


- The Hollywood production comes in the midst of controversy surrounding Hrvoje Hribar’s resignation from HAVC

Robin Hood: Origins starts filming in Croatia
Actor Taron Egerton

The filming of Lionsgate's Robin Hood: Origins started on Monday in Dubrovnik, as announced by local service provider Pakt Media in a press release. The biggest international production to shoot in the country so far, starring Taron Egerton, Jamie Foxx and Ben Mendelsohn, arrives in the midst of controversy surrounding the resignation of Hrvoje Hribar from the position of director of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre (HAVC – see the news).

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At the press conference in Dubrovnik on Saturday, Robin Hood: Origins director Otto Bathurst and line producer E Bennett Walsh were joined by government officials led by Minister of Culture Nina Obuljen Koržinek, who assured those present that support would be provided to incoming productions, confirming the Ministry’s resolution to further strengthen Croatia’s film production incentive programme and reputation as a centre of excellence in providing film production services.

After Hribar's resignation, concerns that the tax rebate programme might be in danger intensified. Since the previous Culture Minister, Zlatko Hasanbegović, had taken up the position in February 2016, the rebate payments had started suffering from delays, and the total eligible spending, on which the rebate is calculated, fell from €23.5 million in 2015 to some €8.4 million in 2016, Hribar told The Hollywood Reporter.

Since its introduction in 2012, Croatia's 20% tax rebate scheme has attracted international projects ranging from mid-range European co-productions to Game of Thrones and Star Wars Episode VIII, all of which spent €43.3 million on services and products in the country.

Robin Hood: Origins will be shooting in Croatia until 10 March, starting in Dubrovnik and then moving to Istria. The production companies involved are Appian Way, Lionsgate, Safehouse Pictures and Thunder Road Pictures.

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