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Italian Golden Globes: the foreign press chooses The Stuff of Dreams


- The prizes given out by the Foreign Press Association in Italy were handed out yesterday; Best Debut Film went to Worldly Girl, while Isabella Ragonese and Renato Carpentieri snagged the acting gongs

Italian Golden Globes: the foreign press chooses The Stuff of Dreams
Gianfranco Cabiddu with his Golden Globe for The Stuff of Dreams (© Victor Sokolowicz)

Yesterday, during a ceremony at the Villa Medici, the Foreign Press Association in Italy gave out the trophies at the 57th edition of the Italian Golden Globes, the prizes handed out every year to Italian films by the foreign press. The Best Film, according to the 33 foreign journalists who voted, was The Stuff of Dreams [+see also:
film profile
 by Gianfranco Cabiddu. Their justification was as follows: “For its magnificent transposition of the Shakespearean verse ‘All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.’ It shows the repercussions of the theatre on reality in the middle of nowhere, where nothing is what it seems, between unlikely characters who are nonetheless full of life. It’s a film that pieces the puzzle back together, putting guilt, revenge, redemption and forgiveness in their right place.”

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Worldly Girl [+see also:
film review
making of
interview: Marco Danieli
film profile
 by Marco Danieli took home the Best Debut Film Award (because “the director’s strong spirit of observation lends the film a sense of authenticity that makes the religious rites and the paradoxes of a world that is sometimes hard to decipher all the more believable”), while Best Comedy was bestowed upon Let Yourself Go! [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Francesco Amato (“for the master touch of being able to transform sins such as greed, inconstancy and eccentricity into small, eternal, human weaknesses, with both irony and levity”).

As for the acting gongs, Best Actress went to Isabella Ragonese for There Is a Light [+see also:
film review
interview: Fabio Mollo
film profile
by Fabio Mollo (for having succeeded “in showing the audience the most diverse aspects of the female universe in a single season, starting with the role of an ignorant mother”), and Renato Carpentieri was voted Best Actor for Holding Hands [+see also:
film review
interview: Gianni Amelio
film profile
by Gianni Amelio (“for having created the most complex ‘Amelian’ father of all time”). 

Two special awards were also handed out: the Grand Prize of the Foreign Press to the medium-length documentary Restoring the Sky by Tommaso Santi and the Lifetime Achievement Golden Globe for director Dario Argento

Here is the complete list of winners:

Best Film
The Stuff of Dreams [+see also:
film profile
 - Gianfranco Cabiddu

Best Actor 
Renato Carpentieri – Holding Hands [+see also:
film review
interview: Gianni Amelio
film profile

Best Actress 
Isabella Ragonese – There Is a Light [+see also:
film review
interview: Fabio Mollo
film profile

Best Screenplay
Paolo Virzì and Francesca Archibugi – Like Crazy [+see also:
film review
Q&A: Paolo Virzì
film profile

Best Comedy 
Let Yourself Go! [+see also:
film review
film profile
- Francesco Amato

Best Debut Film 
Worldly Girl [+see also:
film review
making of
interview: Marco Danieli
film profile
 - Marco Danieli

Best Cinematography 
Daria D’Antonio – On the Trail of My Father [+see also:
film review
film profile

Best Music
Enzo Avitabile - Indivisible [+see also:
film review
interview: Edoardo de Angelis
film profile

Best Documentary
The Man Who Didn’t Change History [+see also:
interview: Enrico Caria
film profile
 - Enrico Caria

Best Short Film 
Penalty - Aldo Iuliano

Grand Prize of the Foreign Press
Restoring the Sky - Tommaso Santi

Lifetime Achievement Golden Globe
Dario Argento

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(Translated from Italian)

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