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The Nordisk Panorama in Malmö invites audiences to “scream along”


- The largest festival for Nordic documentaries and shorts will screen 55 films in its various competitions and present another 250 in the market

The Nordisk Panorama in Malmö invites audiences to “scream along”
Hobbyhorse Revolution by Selma Vilhunen

Unspooling from 21-26 September in Malmö, Sweden, the 28th Nordisk Panorama has programmed a total of 100 films out of 562 submissions – 55 in competitions – and they will not only be on show in the six festival theatres, but also at some less traditional venues, including a sauna.

This year, the festival, which started off touring the Nordic countries but has been based in Malmö since 2013, will focus on Finland, and audiences will be able to see Finnish directors Joonas Berghäll and Mika Hotakainen’s cult 2011 movie Steam of Life [+see also:
film profile
 over dinner at the Ribersborg sauna after a skinny-dip and a sauna session. 

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Meanwhile, Finnish director Selma Vilhunen’s Hobbyhorse Revolution [+see also:
film profile
 (2017), portraying teenagers with growing pains who discover their own voices and talents through riding and grooming toy horses – now a worldwide phenomenon and a way of life for thousands of young people – has been scheduled to unspool at the Butchery Showroom.

Scream Along Cinema will be introduced ahead of the screening of Finnish director Mika Ronkainen’s cult film Screaming Men (2003) about the Mieskuoro Huutajat Men’s Choir, the members of which have never sung a note, but rather scream, bellow and shout. Conductor Petri Sirviö will lead a warm-up session with audience participation. 

The largest festival for Nordic documentaries and shorts, which last year welcomed 15,000 visitors and 1,000 industry guests from 37 countries, has selected several musical documentaries, such as Swedish directors Mika GustafsonOlivia Kastebring and Christina Tsiobanelis’ Silvana [+see also:
film review
film profile
, about Swedish rapper Silvana Imam. Swedish director Kasper Collin’s I Called Him Morgan [+see also:
film profile
explores the relationship between US jazz trumpeter Lee Morgan and his common-law wife Helen, who was implicated in his 1972 murder, which sent shockwaves through the jazz community.

And there will be more murderers to follow: in Letters to a Serial Killer, Swedish director Manal Masri investigates what really happened when her 16-year-old brother was shot in Malmö in 2006, but survived serial killer Peter Mangs' bullets. Furthermore, British director Dylan Howitt’s Icelandic feature Out of Thin Air recounts Iceland’s most infamous murder case, the disappearance of two men in 1974. 

A total of 250 new Nordic documentaries will be presented to distributors at the Nordisk Panorama Market, while 24 projects (chosen from among 104 submissions) will seek financing at the Nordisk Panorama Forum. Finally, the lecture and seminar programme includes more than 30 sessions, with topics ranging from dance choreography to documentary storytelling.

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