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The End


- Bady Minck shared the CinemAvvenire Prize with Canada's Mike Hoolboom while Triplettes de Belleville won the Audience Award

The 39th edition of the New Cinema Festival of Pesaro ended with the traditional open-air awards ceremony. Imitation of Life by Canada’s Mike Hoolboom shared the CinemAvvenire Award with Austria’s Bady Minck for Am Anfang war der Blick. The award is presented by a jury of young people.
The Audience Award was won by Sylvain Chomet’s animated feature, Triplettes de Belleville [+see also:
film profile

Daniele Pietro de Plano’s story of an old man whose camcorder is stolen just when he decides to send a video greeting to his daughter in America, Il regalo di Natale, took home the Kodak Award.
The artistic director of Pesaro, Giovanni Spagnoletti said he was very satisfied with the outcome of this edition which "highlighted the variety of French production". Next year, the focus is on Mexico.

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(Translated from Italian)

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