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PRODUCTION Poland / Belgium

Bartosz Konopka’s The Mute starts filming


- The second feature film by the Oscar-nominated director is a Polish-Belgian co-production

Bartosz Konopka’s The Mute starts filming
The Mute by Bartosz Konopka (© Bartosz Mrozowski)

Principal photography for The Mute [+see also:
film profile
 started on 26 September on location in the mountains in Poland. The film follows two Christian knights – an elder one, Willibrord, and a novice, Nameless, who set off on a journey to a remote pagan village in the early Middle Ages. As they settle into the local community, their faith, belief system and the bond between them are all put to the test. “The idea for the movie was born of multiple inspirations,” says director Bartosz Konopka in a press release. “Firstly, it came from my rejection of undisputed dogmas and authorities; from the need to search for a dialogue and alternatives that can join different ideas and outlooks on the world, instead of starting conflicts. Secondly, from the fascination with non-violent fighters, such as Jesus, Gandhi, Martin Luther King and others. Thirdly, out of the wisdom that is carried by silence and the search for inner peace, by influencing people with presence and not empty words or ideologies.”

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The international cast includes Polish actors Krzysztof Pieczyński (Afterimage [+see also:
film review
interview: Zofia Wichlacz
film profile
, Suicide Room
 [+see also:
interview: Jakub Gierszal - Shooting S…
interview: Jan Komasa
film profile
, Chain Reaction), Karol Bernacki (Amok [+see also:
film review
film profile
, Planet Single [+see also:
film profile
), Belgium’s Jan Bijvoet (Embrace of the Serpent, Borgman [+see also:
film review
interview: Alex van Varmerdam
interview: Reinout Scholten van Aschat
film profile
) and Jeroen Perceval (Borgman, The Ardennes [+see also:
film review
interview: Robin Pront
film profile
, Bullhead [+see also:
film review
interview: Bart Van Langendonck
interview: Michaël R. Roskam
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), and French thesp Olivier de Sagazan. The Polish crew comprises DoP Jacek Podgórski, production designer Marek Warszewski (Afterimage, Warsaw 44 [+see also:
interview: Zofia Wichlacz
film profile
), costume designer Marta Ostrowicz (Amok, Lasting [+see also:
film review
interview: Jacek Borcuch
film profile
), make-up artist Dariusz Krysiak (Warsaw 44, Rose [+see also:
film review
film profile
) and production manager Tomasz Morawski (Little Crushes [+see also:
film review
film profile

The Mute is the sophomore film by Konopka, whose short documentary Rabbit à la Berlin was nominated for an Academy Award in 2010. It is said to resemble the works of Nicolas Winding Refn (Valhalla Rising [+see also:
film review
interview: Nicolas Winding Refn
film profile
) and Game of Thrones, and combines realistic battle scenes with emotional power play, pagan rituals and a reflection on faith and the church.

The script was penned by Konopka, Przemysław Nowakowski (Katyn [+see also:
film review
interview: Andrzej Wajda
interview: Michal Kwiecinski
film profile
) and Anna Wydra, who is also producing the film through her Warsaw-based company Otter Films. The co-producers are Poland’s Odra Film and Belgium’s Earlybirds Films. The project is being supported by the Polish Film Institute, Screen Flanders, Eurimages, ColorOffOn and Creative Europe. The script had been developed during the EAVE programme and was already awarded at the 2013 edition of the ScripTeast Workshop. The Polish distributor of the film is Kino Świat. The release of The Mute is planned for 2018.

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