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IDFA 2017

Final Cut For Real storms the IDFA with four films


- Four documentaries by the Danish production house are being screened during the festival currently unspooling in Amsterdam

Final Cut For Real storms the IDFA with four films
The Distant Barking of Dogs by Simon Lereng Wilmont

Danish production house Final Cut For Real is presenting four films at the 30th edition of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), which started on 15 November and will come to an end next Sunday. Two of them are well-known productions: The Act of Killing [+see also:
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(Masters section) by American-born British director Joshua Oppenheimer, and Camilla Magid’s Land of the Free [+see also:
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(Best of the Fest section), the winner of the Nordic Doc Award.

The other two documentaries are having their world premieres at the IDFA. The Distant Barking of Dogs [+see also:
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, director Simon Lereng Wilmont’s feature debut, produced by Monica Hellström, has been included in the Competition for First Appearance. The movie recounts the story of Oleg, a young boy growing up in the eastern part of Ukraine, and provides us with an interesting insight into life in a region affected by war. Oleg lives with his grandmother, and they are unable to leave, so he spends his days with his cousin Yarik and an older boy, Kostia (watch the trailer here).

Producer Hellström says: “Simon is both the director and the cinematographer on this film, and he has an amazing eye. He is able to build up trust with his young protagonists and has an incredible ability to bring the audience into an environment through scenes that unfold in front of our eyes.”The Distant Barking of Dogs is being sold by Philippa Kowarsky for Tel Aviv-based Cinephil, which also handles Oppenheimer’s The Act of Killing.

The other title premiering at the IDFA, in the Panorama section, is Dreaming Murakami [+see also:
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by director Nitesh Anjaan, staged by Signe Byrge Sørensen. The film investigates the mind of Danish translator Mette Holm, who is working on the Japanese novel Hear the Wind Sing by Haruki Murakami. She struggles to find the best structures and words to communicate to Danish readers the way Murakami perceived the world. Thus the translator sets out on a journey into the world of the writer, during which she meets the Frog, which is determined to fight against the gigantic Worm (watch the trailer).

“For us, the IDFA is extremely important as a launching platform for our films. The exposure to the international documentary community is great here. And the Amsterdam audiences are committed and curious, so we are happy to be back,” producer Sørensen enthuses.

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