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TURIN 2017 Awards

Israel's Ram Nehari triumphs at Torino Film Festival


- Israeli-French-German co-production Don’t Forget Me scooped the Awards for Best Film, Best Actor and Best Actress; Portugal's The Nothing Factory and the French title Kiss and Cry also successful

Israel's Ram Nehari triumphs at Torino Film Festival
Don’t Forget Me was awarded Best Film at the Torino Film Festival (© TFF)

Israeli director Ram Nehari’s Don’t Forget Me [+see also:
film review
film profile
, the desperate and bright love story of a boy and a girl united by a profound existential unease, won over the jury at Torino Film Festival, which awarded prizes at the closing of the 35th edition of the festival on Saturday, due to be the last (for now) to be directed by Emanuela Martini. Co-produced by France and Germany, Don’t Forget Me was awarded Best Film by a jury chaired by Pablo Larraín and composed of Gillies MacKinnon, Petros Markaris, Santiago Miter and Isabella Ragonese, with awards also going to actress Moon Shavit (Best Actress tied with Emily Beecham, protagonist of the British film Daphne [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Peter Mackie Burns) and actor Nitai Gvirtz (Best Actor) for their roles in the film.

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This year’s prize winners at Torino Film Festival 2017 were all European. The Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation Award went to the Portuguese film The Nothing Factory [+see also:
film review
interview: Pedro Pinho
film profile
by Pedro Pinho and the Best Screenplay Award went to the French film Kiss and Cry [+see also:
film profile
by Chloé Mahieu and Lila Pinell, which also received a Special Mention from the jury along with Lorello e Brunello [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Jacopo Quadri (which also won the Cipputi Award). The French film Speak-Up! [+see also:
film profile
by Stéphane De Freitas won the Audience Choice Award, and the FIPRESCI Award went to The Death of Stalin [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Armando Iannucci (France/United Kingdom).

In the documentary section, the jury composed of Güldem Durmaz, Carmit Harash and Veton Nurkollari selected the Bosnian-Mexican documentary M-1 by Luciano Pérez Savoy as Best International Documentary, awarding a Special Prize to the French title Sans adieu [+see also:
film profile
by Christophe Agou. The Best Italian Documentary – awarded by a jury composed of Ilaria Bonacossa, Bernd Brehmer and Susanna Nicchiarelli – went to Diorama [+see also:
film profile
by Demetrius Giacomelli. Talien [+see also:
film profile
 by Elia Mouatamid was awarded the Special Jury Prize.

The complete list of prizes:

Torino 35

Best Film (€15,000)
Don’t Forget Me [+see also:
film review
film profile
- Ram Nehari (Israel/France/Germany)

Sandretto Re Rebaudengo Foundation Award (€7,000)
The Nothing Factory [+see also:
film review
interview: Pedro Pinho
film profile
- Pedro Pinho (Portugal)

Best Actress (tied)
Emily Beecham - Daphne [+see also:
film review
film profile
(United Kingdom)
Moon Shavit - Don’t Forget Me

Best Actor
Nitai Gvirtz - Don’t Forget Me

Best Screenplay
Kiss and Cry [+see also:
film profile
- Chloé Mahieu and Lila Pinell (France)

Special Mention from the Jury
Kiss and Cry - Chloé Mahieu and Lila Pinell
Lorello e Brunello [+see also:
film review
film profile
- Jacopo Quadri (Italy)

Audience Choice Award
Speak-Up! [+see also:
film profile
- Stéphane De Freitas (France)

International Documentary Awards

Best International Documentary (€5,000)
M–1 - Luciano Pérez Savoy (Bosnia/Mexico)

Special Mention from the Jury
Sans adieu [+see also:
film profile
- Christophe Agou (France)

Italian Documentary Awards

Best Italian Documentary (€5,000)
Diorama [+see also:
film profile
 - Demetrio Giacomelli (Italy)

Special Mention from the Jury
Talien [+see also:
film profile
 - Elia Mouatamid (Italy)

Italian Short Films

Chicca Richelmy Award for Best Short Film (€2,000)
Ida - Giorgia Ruggiano (Italy)

Special Mention from the Jury
Blue Screen - Alessandro Arfuso and Riccardo Bolo (Italy)

The Death of Stalin [+see also:
film review
film profile
- Armando Iannucci (France/United Kingdom)

Lorello e Brunello - Jacopo Quadri

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(Translated from Italian)

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