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Bihan & McDowell


- Andie McDowell to co-star opposite Samuel Le Bihan in the Carrère Group's Euro-Canadian co-production debut, The Last Sign, written by Heidrun Schelf

Gaul's Carrère Group has officially entered the film production arena. The chosen title is a sentimental comedy entitled The Last Sign, based on Anne Ray-Windling's best seller "Un Soleil trop tard", that was adapted for the screen by Italian director Nanni Moretti's frequent writing partner, Heidrum Schlef.
Claude Carrère’s eponymous film company, the Carrère Group signed American actress Andie McDowell to star in The Last Sign, opposite French actor Samuel Le Bihan (Le Pacte des Loups) and will be directed by Douglas Law.
Carrère also entered the distribution arena with the 12 February release of La Légende de Parva.
Budgeted at Euros11m, The Last Sign will be co-produced by France 2 Cinéma, the UK’s Spice Factory and Canada’s Transfilm, and is scheduled to go into production in the autumn. The title has already been picked up by 14 territories.

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(Translated from French)

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