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Glenn’s goals


World-renowned DP Pierre-William Glenn was re-elected to the presidency of the Superior Commission for Sound & Pictures - CST, the film, audiovisual and multimedia technicians’ guild. For the last few years the CST, which receives 80 per cent of its funding from the National Film Centre, has been at the centre of a series of detrimental disagreements that lead to the formation of two rival camps of staff memebers.
The list of candidates lead by Pierre-William Glenn (who is currently photographing San Antonio) won last 10 July’s vote with 182 in favour. His closest rival, Claude Forest and his list got 178 votes. The winning team includes Olivier Chiavassa, the head of production at the Eclair Laboratory and François Groult, a close collaborator of director/producer Luc Besson.
This close call confirms the deep-seated divisions within the CST, whose statutes were renewed in May. It is up to Pierre-William Glenn to ensure that the CST is a worthy representative of the top-flight professionals it represents.

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(Translated from French)

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