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Rete degli Spettatori: 9 fiction films and 2 documentaries in the 2018 selection


- The initiative that aims to improve the visibility of quality Italian films that are often at a disadvantage in terms of distribution, both in cinemas and beyond, returns for its seventh edition

Rete degli Spettatori: 9 fiction films and 2 documentaries in the 2018 selection

An initiative of cultural promotion, at a time when single-screen cinemas are in continuous decline, that creates possibilities for director's films to be seen. Back for its 7th edition, the Rete degli Spettatori – the national program to promote and distribute quality Italian cinema – (those at the greatest disadvantage in terms of distribution) aims to give a range of selected films new visibility, in cinemas and schools, but also via new channels and platforms. 

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The film critic jury for this year, elected by the 100autori association, is composed of Marianna Cappi, Franco Dassisti, Fabio Giusti, Roy Menarini and Francesco Di Pace, andhas selected 11 titles, including 9 feature films and 2 documentaries, from films presented at major Italian festivals (Turin, Rome, Venice) and films released in cinemas between June and November 2017, with less than 100 copies. Ranging from the social commentary Tainted Souls [+see also:
film review
interview: Matteo Botrugno, Daniele Co…
film profile
by Matteo Botrugno and Daniele Coluccini, Equilibrium [+see also:
film review
interview: Vincenzo Marra
film profile
by Vincenzo Marra and The Intruder [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Leonardo Di Costanzo, to the sentimental drama Dove non ho mai abitato [+see also:
film profile
by Paolo Franchi, and comedies Easy [+see also:
film review
interview: Andrea Magnani
film profile
by Andrea Magnani, and Tito and the Aliens [+see also:
film review
interview: Paola Randi
film profile
by Paolo Randi. As well as the radical and anti-narrative film Hannah [+see also:
film review
film profile
by Andrea Pallaoro, the animated film Cinderella the Cat [+see also:
film review
interview: Alessandro Rak
film profile
by Alessandro Rak, Ivan Cappiello, Marino Guarnieri and Dario Sansone, and the biopic Nico, 1988 [+see also:
film review
interview: Susanna Nicchiarelli
film profile
by Susanna Nicchiarelli.

The selected documentaries – for which the role of the Rete degli Spettatori is even more crucial, given that Italian documentaries don't often get a standard release in cinemas – are Country for Old Men [+see also:
film profile
by Stefano Cravero and Pietro Jona, about American economic refugees in Ecuador, and Ibi [+see also:
film profile
by Andrea Segre, a story about an African immigrant. 

The Rete degli Spettatori will also be proposing an "After hours - Italian cinema between past and present" initiative, aimed at promoting the film industry in high schools (6,000 students involved in 2017). Among the titles in the program are La battaglia di Algeri by Gillo Pontecorvo, Una giornata particolare by Ettore Scola, Uomini contro by Francesco Rosi, Worldly Girl [+see also:
film review
making of
interview: Marco Danieli
film profile
by Marco Danieli, Fiore [+see also:
film review
Q&A: Claudio Giovannesi
film profile
by Claudio Giovannesi and Mediterranea [+see also:
film review
interview: Jonas Carpignano
film profile
by Jonas Carpignano.

Finally, Cinelibrary is an in-depth video archive dedicated to the films included in the selection in order to promote the films via news, curiosity, anecdotes, information on filming and interviews with directors. The archive can be accessed on social media (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram) and on

All Rete degli Spettatori activities are carried out thanks to the contribution of MIBACT, SIAE and the Region of Lazio - Department of Culture and Youth Policy.

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(Translated from Italian)

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