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FESTIVALS Netherlands

Italy in Amsterdam


The concept behind Passeggiate Romane (Roman Walks) is to screen films in the places they were shot. Berlin was the selected city in 2001 and the featured titles included Germania Anno Zero by Roberto Rossellini, followed by Paris in 2002 with Bernardo Bertolucci’s Last Tango in Paris. This year, the review visits Holland with a film by Luciano Emmer.

The full and restored version of La ragazza in vetrina, made on location in the Amsterdam neighbourhood of Nieuwmarkt, will screen at the Nemo Science Museum in Amsterdam – built by Italian architect Renzo Piano, on 30 August. It is the story of an Italian immigrant who falls in love with a Dutch prostitute and the cast features an appearance by local star, Peter Faber.
In addition, seven documentaries by Lucianno Emmer will also screen. They include his landmark film about Dutch painters Vincent Van Gogh and Jerôme Bosch. The 31 August programme features Il Prezzo, Rolando Stefanelli’s 1999 directorial feature debut. The screenings are free-of-charge and both directors will be present.
This is the third time Passeggiate Romane has left the confines of Italy.

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(Translated from French)

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