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BERGAMO 2020 Film Industry Meetings

The Bergamo Film Meeting unveils its Film Industry Meetings programme


- The two-day line-up will examine the opportunities for authors and producers, as well as exploring the landscape of European funds, co-production funds and other sources of finance

The Bergamo Film Meeting unveils its Film Industry Meetings programme

On the occasion of its 38th edition (running 7 – 15 March), the Bergamo Film Meeting is set to introduce a brand new industry section - Europe, Now! Film Industry Meetings – in support of the international professionalisation of the sector. Scheduled to unfold on 13 and 14 March, this two-day event will provide information and updates, and host networking sessions, all revolving around the opportunities that festivals, markets and training programmes funded by Creative Europe can offer authors and producers. It will also explore the current landscape in terms of European funds, co-production funds and the biggest and best options for financing film projects.

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Friday 13 March will see Bergamo’s Elav Circus host talks on European festivals which are now more than ever key sites for film distribution and promotion, for gaining access to the market and for ongoing education, not to mention places for brainstorming and enhancing audience development. Speakers will include Martha Otte of the Tromsö International Film Festival, Milja Mikkola of the Midnight Sun Film Festival and Arnaud Dumatin of the La Rochelle International Film Festival, who will explain how their respective festivals respond to challenges using innovative cultural and commercial formulae. Joana Fresu De Azevedo of AFIC’s board of directors, meanwhile, will share her insight on the topic of Italian festivals and independent distribution, as will Silvia Pareti of Piccolo Grande Cinema, brandishing the example of a festival wholly dedicated to young people and a European film education project funded by Creative Europe, intitled The Film Corner platform; Eddie Bertozzi from Academy Two, who will discuss the various ways in which festivals can support the distribution of arthouse cinema; Juliette Rajon of the Lumière Festival and the International Classic Film Market in Lyon, and György Ráduly of the National Film Institute, the Film Archive and the Hungary and Budapest Film Marathon. Meanwhile, in the afternoon, Alessandra Speciale of the Milan Film Network will take to the stage, as will Frédéric Boyer of the Les Arcs Film Festival and the Co-Production Village, alongside Xavi Garcia Puerto of the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival and the Industry@Tallinn & Baltic Event, with the latter exploring how a successful market, which becomes known for its discovery of new talent and worthy projects in Europe, can change the face of a festival and ultimately impact its programming. Subsequently, Manuela Buono of Slingshot Films will discuss the details to bring with when meeting a sales agent; Marek Sindler of Eventival will divulge the new tools linking up authors, producers and festivals and, last but not least, a talk is set to be delivered by João Nicolau, a leading figure in the Europe, Now! Section of the Bergamo FM and an author who co-produces with France (Shellac Sud), today represented by one of the biggest European sales agents in the business, The Match Factory.

Day two, Saturday 14 March, will be dedicated to European funding and to the film market itself, involving the likes of Silvia Sandrone of the Creative Europe MEDIA Desk, Italy; Bruno Zambardino of the Istituto Luce Cinecittà/MiBact’s Film and Audiovisual Department; Griselda Guerrasio of the Istituto Luce Cinecittà/FilmItalia; Federico Pedroni of Rai Cinema; Jo Mühlberger of the European Film Promotion - who will be discussing the “Producers on the Move Programme”, alongside other EFP programmes aimed at supporting high-level training of authors and producers, film circulation and the linking-up of professionals - and Alessandro Gropplero of When East Meets West, an event which boasts a winning formula in the field of co-production forums.

Several case histories will be presented on Saturday afternoon, in collaboration with AGICI. These will include the experiences of Effendemfilm’s Federico Minetti: co-development, and news relating to the brand new call for contributions towards Italian-French co-productions; Simone Gandolfo of Macaia Film: co-producing with South America; Ines Vasiljevic of Nightswim: European and non-European co-productions, using the examples of Likemeback [+see also:
film review
film profile
(Nightswim) and Just Like My Son [+see also:
film review
interview: Costanza Quatriglio
film profile
(Ascent Film); Gianfilippo Pedote of Casa delle Visioni: supranational funding, notably Eurimages and MEDIA Development; Rúnar Rúnarsson and Danis Tanović (alongside his producer Cédomir Kolar), the stars of the Bergamo Film Meeting’s Europe, Now! section, not to mention Cristina Sardo of Rossofuoco and Pietro Pinetti of Studio Bozzetto.

The full Film Industry Meetings programme can be accessed here.

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(Translated from Italian)

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