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Twin Flower, a tale of desperate love to touch down in Toronto


- Laura Luchetti's second film, starring an illegal immigrant and the daughter of a drug dealer, will world premiere in the Discovery section at the Canadian festival

Twin Flower, a tale of desperate love to touch down in Toronto
Kalill Kone and Anastasyia Bogach in Fiore gemello

Basim is an African immigrant stowaway, Anna is the daughter of a migrant smuggler. They are teenagers and, together, they escape from a past that they want to forget, and into the harsh yet beautiful Sardinian landscape. This is the storybehind Twin Flower [+see also:
film review
film profile
, the second film by the Roman director Laura Luchetti (eight years after Febbre da fieno [+see also:
film profile
), which will be screened in world premiere at Toronto Film Festival in the Discovery section on 8 September.

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Developed as part of the Atelier de la Cinéfondation at Cannes 2015, the film was produced by Picture Show in association with Donkadillo, with the contribution of MiBACT and Regione Sardegna, with the support of Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission and Regione Lazio, in collaboration with Rai Cinema.

with the contribution of Mibact - Direzione Generale Cinema and Regione Sardegna, with the support of Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, Fondo Sardegna Ospitalità, Fondo Filming Cagliari and  Regione Lazio Fondo Regionale per il Cinema, in collaboration with RAI Cinema.

Twin Flower is "the tale of desperate love between two very different people who share the same destiny," states the director, who also wrote the screenplay. Anna escapes from Manfredi, an immigrant trafficker who used to employee her father. Basim, who has recently arrived from the Ivory Coast, dreams of reaching Northern Europe. The two do not speak the same language, but they only have each other in the world. Cast in the roles are Anastasyia Bogach and Kalill Kone, "real people." "Yousra Kone came off a boat from Libya a few months before we started shooting," stated Luchetti. He fled on foot from the Ivory Coast to Libya where he set off for Italy. I watched him move and act during the audition. A rough talent. A look that evokes a horror we can’t even begin to imagine. " 

The film also stars Aniello Arena, Mauro Addis, Fausto Verginelli, Alessandro Pani and Giorgio Colangeli. Ferran Paredes Rubio (who also shot Il vizio della speranza by Edoardo De Angelis, which is also world premiering at Toronto) was responsible for photography, while Paola Freddi worked on editing (Hannah [+see also:
film review
film profile
, Pure Hearts [+see also:
film review
interview: Roberto De Paolis
film profile
, The Wait [+see also:
film review
interview: Lou de Laâge
interview: Piero Messina
film profile
). Fandang Sales is handling international sales.

The only female Italian director to be selected at the Canadian festival this year, Laura Luchetti will also be at Venice Film Festival, where she will screen Sugarlove on 1 September, an animated nine minute short story participating at a special event in conjunction with International Film Critics' Week.

(Translated from Italian)

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