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TURIN 2018 Torino Film Industry / Shorts

The Torino Short Film Market hosts Sydney Sibilia and the General Assembly of Italian Shorts


- The third edition of the biggest industry event in Italy for the short format will unspool from 22-25 November, during the Torino Film Festival

The Torino Short Film Market hosts Sydney Sibilia and the General Assembly of Italian Shorts
Director Sydney Sibilia

“To play an increasingly significant role in the Italian film landscape, to nurture the perception among professionals and audiences of the short film as an accomplished work in itself that deserves close attention – also because it offers the chance to discover new, young talents.” Such is the objective of the Torino Short Film Market (TSFM), the biggest industry event in Italy for the short format, according to its creator, Jacopo Chessa. This year, the event is reaching its third edition and is set to unspool from 22-25 November in Turin.

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Organised by the National Short Film Centre in conjunction with the National Film Museum – Torino Film Festival, the TSFM gives anyone who has made a short film, or wishes to make one, the opportunity to find a co-producer, distributor or buyer.

The market has four main sections: Digita!, with projects hailing from 16 countries, has scheduled seven-minute pitching sessions for the ten selected digital-content projects (VR and digital series), one-on-one meetings and a round-table involving national and international production outfits; similarly, Distributors Meet Buyers gives 17 distributors from ten different countries seven minutes to present their distribution catalogue, and offers them individual meetings with the buyers in attendance; the Oltrecorto section, with 52 projects from 25 countries, is dedicated to feature-film or TV-series projects based on a previously completed short film; and a new addition for 2018, the Pitch Your Fest! section, is aimed at the organisers of festivals and other gatherings that programme short films, who will be able to present their own specific USPs and editorial policies to attendees (there are 27 candidates hailing from 16 countries).

As in 2017 with Paolo Genovese, a slot will be reserved once again this year for a master class led by a director who has successfully made the leap from the short to the feature format. This year it will be Sydney Sibilia, the man behind the successful series of I Can Quit Whenever I Want [+see also:
film review
interview: Sydney Sibilia
film profile
films, who will be the key attendee at the rendezvous organised in conjunction with the SNGCI – National Union of Film Journalists. Also on the programme at the TSFM is the General Assembly of Italian Shorts, a meeting that will see the participation of key players from the entire world of Italian short films, from the Experimental Cinematography Centre to Rai Cinema, and from Mediaset to festivals such as Concorto, Figari FF, Cortinametraggio and Sedicicorto.

Standing out among the various prizes up for grabs at the 2018 TSFM is the award set to be handed out by the French television group France Télévisions: the winning short film will be added to the schedule of the Libre Court programme on France 3.

The third Torino Short Film Market is made possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities, the Piedmont region, Istituto LUCE - Cinecittà, the Torino Piemonte Film Commission, the Turin Chamber of Commerce, Compagnia di San Paolo and the CRT Foundation.

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(Translated from Italian)

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