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Domestic releases enjoy impressive popularity in Romania


- The total number of admissions for Romanian releases increased by 49% in 2018

Domestic releases enjoy impressive popularity in Romania
Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time by Stere Gulea

After a steep decrease in popularity between 2016 (428,048 admissions) and 2017 (280,910), Romanian films are apparently enjoying new-found popularity among local cinemagoers: 2018 ended with a total of 421,296 tickets sold for domestic releases, which equates to an increase of circa 49% in popularity from 2017 to 2018. Domestic releases earned approximately €1.51 million in 2018.

However, the news is not so heartening when we look deeper into these figures: only two films released in 2018 were responsible for more than half of the admissions. One is Stere Gulea’s Moromete Family: On the Edge of Time [+see also:
film review
film profile
, which ended the year with 183,312 tickets sold, a success that makes this title the most popular domestic release of the last 16 years. The other movie is Untamed Romania, a documentary ordered by retail giant Auchan in order to celebrate the country’s wilderness. Despite some controversy revolving around a claim that not all of the beautiful outdoor footage was actually shot in Romania, the film was seen by more than 80,000 Romanians. Both of the aforementioned titles were released by Transilvania Film.

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Other domestic releases fared less well: third place was taken by the independent comedy U Get What U Kiss [+see also:
film profile
by Camelia Popa, with 24,775 admissions, while Tedy Necula’s drama Beside Me [+see also:
film profile
 came in in fourth place, with 18,701 tickets sold. Paul Negoescu’s The Story of a Summer Lover [+see also:
film review
film profile
 followed, with almost 14,000 admissions.

The year’s most popular Romanian films at international festivals attracted less attention: Radu Jude’s highly controversial “I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians” [+see also:
film review
film profile
 ended its stay in local cinemas with fewer than 10,000 admissions and Ivana Mladenovic’s gay love story Soldiers. Story from Ferentari [+see also:
film review
interview: Dawid Ogrodnik
interview: Ivana Mladenovic
film profile
 with 7,362 admissions. Constantin Popescu’s Pororoca [+see also:
film review
interview: Constantin Popescu
film profile
 was seen by 6,222 Romanians, Radu Muntean’s Alice T. [+see also:
film review
interview: Radu Muntean
film profile
 by 2,728 and Ioana Uricaru’s Lemonade [+see also:
film review
interview: Ioana Uricaru
film profile
by 2,116.

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