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Luca Lucchesi putting the finishing touches to A Black Jesus


- The documentary is being produced by Wim Wenders’ company, Road Movies

Luca Lucchesi putting the finishing touches to A Black Jesus
A Black Jesus by Luca Lucchesi (© Road Movies)

Director Luca Lucchesi is ready to follow up on his 2011 documentary Ohne Sonne, Amburgo with a film set in a small Sicilian village. Lucchesi, who worked as an assistant director on Wim Wenders’ 3D documentary projects Il Volo and Cathedrals of Culture [+see also:
film profile
, and was also the DoP for Wenders’ video installation Notes from a Day in the Life of an Architect, will take a closer look at Sicily, a place he also explored in the soundtrack to Ohne Sonne, Amburgo, a poetic portrait of the city of Hamburg set to the sounds of a Sicilian mix tape.

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The upcoming documentary will show what happens in a small Italian town when a 19-year-old refugee from Ghana asks to be one of the bearers of a venerated black Jesus statue during the annual religious procession. The idea of him carrying the statue alongside the other – white – locals divides the community, and the villagers find themselves forced to question their identity, starting with the very icon of their own beliefs: a black Jesus.

Based on an idea developed by the director together with Hella Wenders, with whom Lucchesi previously collaborated by serving as a cinematographer on her 2017 film School, School – The Time After Berg Fidel, A Black Jesus [+see also:
film review
film profile
is being produced by Wim Wenders’ German firm Road Movies together with NDR and is currently in post-production.

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