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The EFM “Goes Global” and screens Berlinale titles in cinemas


- The movies that are officially selected for the Berlinale will be screened in physical locations in four cities outside of Europe during the upcoming European Film Market

The EFM “Goes Global” and screens Berlinale titles in cinemas
The Cineteca Nacional de México is one of the locations for the EFM screenings

“EFM Goes Global” is the new initiative being launched by the Berlinale’s European Film Market (EFM), which aims to allow its participants based in key film distribution territories outside of Europe to watch the officially selected Berlinale films in cinemas in their locations.

The screenings will run in four selected Market Hubs, in parallel with the EFM, which takes place digitally from 1-5 March, so the distributors will be able to enjoy the films in a physical, cinematic atmosphere. Each Market Hub is in an important centre for global film trade: for the Asian market, Tokyo has been selected; for Central America, the screenings will be held in Mexico City; for South America, São Paulo has been picked; and the final Market Hub is in Melbourne, representing Oceania. The EFM is cooperating with established partners, including local cinemas, festivals and other organisations, in each of the cities, which will provide the necessary infrastructure for the scheme.

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As Dennis Ruh, director of the EFM, explains: “If distributors aren’t able to travel to Berlin this year, we want to bring the films to the distributors, and present them using the display technology they were created for: the big screen. EFM Goes Global aims to support the successful international distribution of selected Berlinale titles. The initiative also makes it possible for smaller distribution companies from the respective territories to be included in the market. Another goal of EFM Goes Global is to strive for more sustainability in the distribution business by avoiding air travel.”

Regarding this new initiative, Carlo Chatrian, the Berlinale’s artistic director, commented: “I’m delighted that, in this unusual situation, the EFM has succeeded in maintaining the collective physical experience with this challenging and promising project. EFM Goes Global gives the films in the Berlinale selection the opportunity to be shown in an actual cinema to a physically present industry audience.”

In detail, the EFM Goes Global partners in the four participating cities are:

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