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CNC Budget: Euro 504M


Good news from CNC - Centre National de la Cinématographie which, in communicating its budget for 2004, has confirmed the stability of this support system for French cinema. After video sales took a worrying downturn, following the negative trend in cinema attendance, the new credit for 2004 aims to encourage productions to shoot in France and to support the numerous projects tied to cinema heritage.
Announcing a budget of around Euro 504,2M, the CNC managing director, David Kessler, declared that the reduction in attendance at French cinemas in 2003 (-5.6% forecast) was a “source of worry”, while it is not yet clear “if it is a structural problem or a phenomenon linked to the economic crisis.” Kessler said that the French loss was less than that reported in Great Britain (-9.6%) or Germany (-11.3%), and that, in any case, French films have kept their share of the market with 38.3% of viewers.

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The principal reason for the increase in the CNC budget, which comes from the support account (+5.87%: Euro 475,6M), is the video sector whose contribution will be increased from Euro 15.3M in 2003 to Euro 32M (+122% ), while taxes on cinema seats will stay more or less the same (Euro 107.1M).
In 2004, great attention will be paid to the safeguarding of the country’s cultural heritage, with the installation of the French Cinema Archive and Film Library (BIFI), an operation which will cost Euro 11.3M. International co-production will be another priority, Eurimages will receive a 6% increase, Euro 4.248M; while other funds for foreign co-productions will see a 7% increase, Euro 1.88M.
Euro 246,7M from the Support Account will be dedicated to the Seventh Art in 2004 (Euro 206.9M to the audiovisual sector), of which Euro 93.9M will go to Selective Support (a 12.9% increase). The Advance on Box Office takings will be increased to Euro 21.2M which will help two more films a year, while the Project Development Fund will receive Euro 3M, an increase from last year’s Euro 1.3M.

There are also two revolutionary aspects to 2004: the creation of a tax credit for the audiovisual sector to support and encourage domestic and foreign productions to film in France; and new production funds, which will be available from state-sponsored regional and provincial associations (Euro 10M) to create new funding opportunities for French cinema production.

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(Translated from French)

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