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CANNES 2002 Critics' Week

The Winners

- Emanuele Crialese's Respiro wins 41st Critics' Week

Gran Prix to Best Feature Film
by Emanuele Crialese (Italy)

Prix Canal+/Kodak to Best Short Film
De Mesmer, con amor o te parà dos
by Salvador Aguirre e Aljandro Lubezki (Mexico)

Young Critic's Prix to Best Feature Film
by Emanuele Crialese (Italy)

Young Critic's Prix to Best Short Film
Möde med Ondskan
by Reza Parsa (Sweden)

Prix by French Cinephile Railway Workers:

(The article continues below - Commercial information)

Big Gold Rail
Filles perdues, cheveux gras
by Claude Duty (France)

Little Gold Rail
De Mesmer, con amor o te parà dos
by Salvador Aguirre e Alejandro Lubezki (Mexico)

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