KARLOVY VARY 2022 KVIFF Eastern Promises
The Odesa Film Festival teams up with the KVIFF and PriFest
- The Czech and Kosovar events will support Ukrainian filmmakers and the country’s film industry through a unique joint project with the Odesa International Film Festival
The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, which is scheduled to be held from 1-9 July this year, will support Ukrainian filmmakers and show the programme of the Odesa International Film Festival (OIFF) at its various venues.
It has been stated that the festival in Karlovy Vary fully stands behind Ukrainian filmmakers and the organisers of the Odesa International Film Festival, and thus will host the Works in Progress programme of the 13th OIFF, which cannot be held owing to the ongoing war. At Karlovy Vary, the programme will be called “OIFF WIP Selection”.
“The current conditions of the war in which the Ukrainians find themselves have a direct impact on the film industry. Therefore, we were offered the chance to hold the ‘industry’ part of the Odesa International Film Festival within the framework of the International Film Festival in Karlovy Vary. We are very grateful to our colleagues for this opportunity,” said Anna Machuh, general director of the OIFF.
At the Odesa International Film Festival, a range of completed feature films will be presented, the release of which is planned for 2022-2023. The main goal of the Works in Progress presentation is to make Ukrainian cinema more popular and better known in the global and local markets, and to attract the attention of international distributors and partners for future projects.
The following projects have been selected to take part in the OIFF WIP Selection:
U Are the Universe - Pavlo Ostrіkov
Producers: Volodymyr Yatsenko, Anna Yatsenko (Ukraine)
Chrysanthemum Day - Simon Mozgovyi
Producers: Artem Kolyubaiev, Olexander Chepiga (Ukraine/Poland/North Macedonia/Croatia/Serbia)
The Glass House - Taras Dron
Producers: Igor Savychenko, Valeria Sochyvets, Dmitro Koghema, Taras Dron (Ukraine)
Company of Steel - Yuliia Hontaruk
Producers: Yuliia Hontaruk, Ivanna Khitsinska, Alexandra Bratyshchenko, Uldіs Sekulіs, Igor Savychenko (Ukraine)
Forever, Forever [+see also:
film review
interview: Anna Buryachkova
film profile] - Anna Buryachkova
Producers: Vіtalіy Sheremetyiev, Natalia Libet (Ukraine)
Demons - Natalka Voroghbit
Producers: Dmitro Mіnzyanov, Denis Ivanov (Ukraine)
Crazy - Denis Tarasov (II)
Producers: Taras Bosak, Valerіya Іvanenko (Ukraine)
Do You Love Me? [+see also:
film review
interview: Tonya Noyabrova
film profile] - Tonia Noyabrova
Producers: Anastasiya Bukovska, Danylo Kaptyukh (Ukraine)
The best Works in Progress project will receive a prize from Barrandov Studios to the tune of €10,000. Works in Progress will be held as part of the KVIFF's Eastern Promises Industry Days, which will take place from 3-6 July. Works in Progress projects will be introduced on 5 July. The presentation of each project will last up to 15 minutes.
Furthermore, as part of the Prishtina International Film Festival PriFest (Kosovo), special screenings of Ukrainian films will be held. Events are also being jointly organised with the Odesa International Film Festival. The programme of special screenings, dubbed “Odesa International Film Festival Beyond Borders” (see the news), will include full-length and short films by debuting Ukrainian directors, presented in the competition programme of the 13th Odesa International Film Festival. Additionally, OIFF Pitching will take place as an integral part of PriFest, the 14th edition of which is set to unspool from 26-31 July.
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