Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo film La Mesías
- The two directors are currently producing a series for Movistar Plus+, featuring actors Carmen Machi, Macarena García, Lola Dueñas, Cecilia Roth and Roger Casamajor

Roger Casamajor (who we saw in The Belly of the Sea [+see also:
film review
film profile]), Macarena García (recently in The Art of Return [+see also:
film review
interview: Pedro Collantes
film profile]), Lola Dueñas (who appeared in the series Veneno [+see also:
series review
series profile]), Carmen Machi (who was at the recent San Sebastian festival with Piggy [+see also:
film review
interview: Carlota Pereda
film profile] and Rainbow [+see also:
film review
film profile]), Ana Rujas (known for the series Cardo), the provocative singer Albert Pla, the singer Amaia and the Argentinian Cecilia Roth (a Pedro Almodóvar regular, recently seen in Pain & Glory [+see also:
film review
interview: Antonio Banderas
Q&A: Pedro Almodóvar
film profile]) head the cast of the family thriller La Mesías [+see also:
series review
series profile], which discusses overcoming trauma, faith as a tool to fill the void and art as the only escape from terror. The directors Javier Ambrossi and Javier Calvo, known as the Javis, return to religious themes after their debut film Holy Camp! [+see also:
film review
interview: Javier Calvo and Javier Amb…
film profile] , and to TV after Veneno [+see also:
series review
series profile].
The series also boasts a young cast after a long search process by the renowned casting directors Eva Leira and Yolanda Serrano: Irene Balmes, Bruno Núñez, Carla Moral, Iona Roig, Lluc Jornet, Sara Martínez, Arlet Zafra, Joana Buch and Ninoska. For Ambrossi, "The audition process has been intense and exciting. In our work we have always mixed big names with new discoveries, and we have really gone for it in La Mesías. It's a very diverse cast, supporting young and local talent."
The synopsis explains that the viral video of a Christian pop band made up of several sisters has an impact on the life of Enric, a man tormented by a childhood marked by religious fanaticism and a mother with messianic delusions. The filming of its eight episodes began on 16th August and will last for 22 weeks in different locations across Catalonia.
Calvo states, "We haven’t filmed anything since Veneno. It's been great not only to get back into directing but also to see the team, who is like a second family to us. We believe that Holy Camp!, Paquita Salas and Veneno found their tone and now La Mesías is finding its own."
Domingo Corral, director of original production at Movistar Plus+ adds, "The more I get to know Ambrossi and Calvo, the more I like how they approach the job. They both perfectly embody the kind of creators we love to work with. They are always striving for emotion and authenticity, and they do so with absolute commitment and with a personal and inimitable perspective. We feel privileged to have the opportunity to share this adventure with them, which is already enjoying a great creation process."
La Mesías is an original Movistar Plus+ series in collaboration with Suma Content, written, directed and produced by Ambrossi and Calvo. Movistar Plus+ International will manage its foreign sales.
(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)
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