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PRODUCTION / FUNDING Spain / Portugal / Belgium

Jaione Camborda shoots her second feature film, The Rye Horn


- Galicia and Portugal provide the settings for this rural drama starring Janet Novás and co-produced by María Zamora

Jaione Camborda shoots her second feature film, The Rye Horn
Janet Novás in The Rye Horn

The shooting of The Rye Horn [+see also:
film review
interview: Jaione Camborda
film profile
, the second film for Jaione Camborda, began on 12th September and is currently filming in different locations in Galicia and Portugal until 21st October. The filmmaker returns to writing and directing after her debut feature  Arima [+see also:
film review
interview: Jaione Camborda
film profile
(2019), which won the Best Director Award in the New Waves section of the Seville European Film Festival.

The Rye Horn is set in rural Galicia in the early 1970s, where María is forced to flee to Portugal  via an old smugglers’ route.

The film stars professional and natural actors from the filming locations themselves. The main character is played by dancer Janet Novás (who makes her debut as an actress with this role), supported by Julia Gómez (The Young Lovers [+see also:
film review
film profile
) and Diego Anido (great revelation in The Beasts [+see also:
film review
interview: Rodrigo Sorogoyen and Isabe…
film profile
, by Rodrigo Sorogoyen, a film already successfully released in France and which will be released in Spain next month after attending the festivals of Cannes, San Sebastian and Abycine, among others).

The producers include Jaione Camborda herself, Andrea Vázquez, from Miramemira (Fire Will Come [+see also:
film review
interview: Óliver Laxe
film profile
), and María Zamora, from Elastica Films, promotor of titles such as Alcarràs [+see also:
film review
interview: Carla Simón
interview: Carla Simón
interview: Giovanni Pompili
film profile
, by Carla Simón, which is being promoted in New York awaiting its potential Oscar’s nomination.

From there, where the Spanish candidate film for the Hollywood Academy Awards will also be screened today, Zamora spoke to Cineuropa: "I got to work with the international part of The Rye Horn and we put together the co-production between countries. It is a film that can be considered an independent auteur drama, but it has elements of other genres: a bit of a road movie because the central character is a kind of outlaw who has to flee the dictatorship to find safety in Portugal. It also has a touch of suspense: what will happen to her, will she manage to escape? But above all it is a drama that is very much grounded in the land and in a role that is dedicated to being in contact with animals and nature, through her work as a shellfish gatherer and midwife, helping women to give birth in an isolated area who have no access to medicine".

The Rye Horn is a production from the Spanish companies Esnatu Zinema, Miramemira and Elastica Films, in co-production with Bando à Parte (Portugal) and Bulletproof Cupid (Belgium). It is supported by ICAAEurimages and AGADIC - Xunta de Galicia, and with the participation of TVE and TVG. The project also went through Ikusmira Berriak, the development laboratory of the San Sebastian Film Festival and the Incubator – The Screen of the ECAM (The Madrid Film School). Spanish distribution will be managed by Elastica Films.

(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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