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Hot Docs celebrates 30 years of dedication to excellence in non-fiction storytelling


- North America's largest documentary film festival opens today with Twice Colonized, and features 70 world and 33 international premieres

Hot Docs celebrates 30 years of dedication to excellence in non-fiction storytelling
Twice Colonized by Lin Alluna

The 30th edition of the Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival, North America’s largest documentary festival, conference and market, takes place from 27 April-7 May and includes 214 films from 72 countries across 13 programmes. It will boast 70 world and 33 international premieres.

The festival will open with Lin Alluna's Twice Colonized [+see also:
film review
interview: Lin Alluna
interview: Lin Alluna
film profile
(Denmark/Greenland/Canada), which also opened CPH:DOX in March. The film is part of the Special Presentations programme, which showcases high-profile films, festival-circuit heavy hitters and renowned subjects, and also includes the world premieres of Joe Piscatella's Who's Afraid of Nathan Law? (USA/Hong Kong/UK) and Benoît Bringer's The Rise of Wagner (France), as well as North American premieres of Jialing Zhao's Total Trust [+see also:
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(Netherlands/Germany), Lukasz Konopa and Emil Langballe's Theatre of Violence (Denmark/Germany), Tonje Hessen Schei's Praying for Armageddon [+see also:
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 (Norway), Greta Stocklassa's Blix Not Bombs [+see also:
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(Czech Republic/Germany/Sweden) and Regina Schilling's Igor Levit - No Fear (Germany). The full selection can be found here.

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International Spectrum, a competitive programme offering engaging stories from around the globe, includes eight European (co-)productions among the total of ten entries. These include world premieres of Marianna Kaat's The Last Relic [+see also:
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 (Estonia/Norway) and Everardo González's A Wolfpack Called Ernesto [+see also:
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 (Mexico/France), international premieres of Chloé Aïcha Boro's Al Djanat, the Original Paradise [+see also:
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(France/Burkina Faso/Benin), San San F Young's Hong Kong Mixtape (UK), Christian Einshøj's The Mountains [+see also:
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 (Denmark), Edward Lovelace's Name Me Lawand [+see also:
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 (UK), Valentina Cicogna and Mattia Colombo's Pure Unknown [+see also:
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(Italy/Switzerland/Sweden), and Peter Hammer's Revir - Everything You Hold Dear (Denmark). The full programme is here.

The World Showcase line-up features revelatory stories that span the globe, including 22 documentary features, and seven short and mid-length films. Among these, three European (co-)productions will enjoy their world premieres: Davide Rizzo and Marzia Toscano's After the Bridge (Italy), Kordo Doski's Allihopa: The Dalkurd Story (Canada/Iraq/USA/Sweden) and Tuki Jencquel's Jackie the Wolf (Germany). Other European titles in the selection include Martín Benchimol's The Castle [+see also:
film review
interview: Martín Benchimol
film profile
(Argentina/France), Tatiana Huezo's The Echo [+see also:
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(Mexico/Germany), Farnaz Jurabchian and Mohammadreza Jurabchian's Silent House (Iran/France/Canada/Philippines/Qatar), Juha Suonpää's Lynx Man [+see also:
film review
interview: Juha Suonpää
film profile
(Finland) and Pau Faus's Fauna [+see also:
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interview: Pau Faus and Sergi Cameron
film profile
 (Spain). The full selection can be found here.

A showcase of recent works from Ukraine will make up the Made In programme, highlighting stories being captured on the ground by filmmakers since the war began, including Mila Teshaieva and Marcus Lenz's When Spring Came to Bucha (Ukraine/Germany), Alisa Kovalenko's We Will Not Fade Away [+see also:
film review
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(Ukraine/Poland/France) and Roman Liubyi's Iron Butterflies [+see also:
film review
interview: Roman Liubyi
film profile
(Ukraine/Germany). The full programme is here.

Partnering with European Film Promotion for the sixth year running, Hot Docs will present The Changing Face of Europe programme, which includes world premieres of Sona G Lutherová's A Happy Man [+see also:
film review
interview: Soňa G Lutherová
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(Slovakia/Czech Republic) and Elena Kairyte's Roberta [+see also:
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interview: Elena Kairytė
film profile
 (Lithuania), North American premieres of Erik Gandini's After Work [+see also:
film review
interview: Erik Gandini
film profile
(Sweden/Italy/Norway), Niki Padidar's All You See [+see also:
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(Netherlands), Lisa Gerig's The Hearing [+see also:
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(Switzerland), Brenda Akele Jorde's The Homes We Carry [+see also:
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(Germany), Sasha King's Vicky [+see also:
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 (Ireland), Yannick Kergoat's Tax Me If You Can [+see also:
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(France) and Liis Nimik's Sundial [+see also:
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 (Estonia), as well as the Canadian premiere of Veronika Lišková's The Visitors [+see also:
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(Czech Republic/Norway/Slovakia).

Once again, Hot Docs will show many other intriguing films in its Artscapes, Deep Dive, Markers, Nightvision, Human Kind, Persister and Canadian Spectrum sections.

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