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FESTIVALS Switzerland

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- The Cinéma Tout Ecran festival has started in Geneva, featuring a competition for TV films, along with many cinema premieres and tributes to Jean-Luc Godard and Bernardo Bertolucci

From November 3 – 9, Geneva will be the venue for the 9th edition of the Cinéma Tout Ecran festival of film and television. The director of the event is Léo Kaneman and it has become one of the regular appointments for the presentation of the best of international cinema and television.

This year, there are 13 feature length TV films in competition representing 12 countries, and they include Cadets de Gascogne by Emmanuel Bourdieu and Kordon by the Serbian, Goran Markovic. The jury will be led by Ismail Merchant, James Ivory’s partner in Merchant Ivory Production, and the prizes will also include one for the Best Swiss TV Film. In the past, the festival has shown national premieres of works like Oz and 24, and it is considered to be an important reference point for the TV series sector, as well as offering a wide choice of short films thanks to the international competition (almost 50 films entered this year), the Short Nights section and the other special programmes. This year’s selection will feature the presentation of the first shorts films by well known directors like David Lynch, Jean-Luc Godard and Bernardo Bertolucci.

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The programme for the “Out of Competition” section will feature TV and cinema films like Une place parmi les vivants by Raoul Ruiz and Le soleil assassiné by Abdelkrim Bahloul, then some directors will be present at premieres of works like Le divorce by James Ivory or The Mystic Masseur by Ismail Merchant, and there will be a whole day set aside for children’s films.
And all this is without even mentioning the debates being organised on themes like “National producing”, “The actors: television & cinema” and “Film Funding: the Belgium example”.

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(Translated from French)

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