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EXCLUSIVE: Giovanni Aloi is shooting Le domaine


- Félix Lefebvre, Patrick d’Assumçao and Raphaël Thierry lead the cast of the new work by the director of The Third War, which is produced by Capricci and sold by Goodfellas

EXCLUSIVE: Giovanni Aloi is shooting Le domaine
Actors Félix Lefebvre (© YanRB), Patrick d'Assumçao (© Georges Biard) and Raphaël Thiéry

Since 9 October, Italian filmmaker Giovanni Aloi has been shooting Le domaine in France. This will be his 3rd feature-length movie after The Third War [+see also:
film review
interview: Giovanni Aloi
film profile
(well-received in Venice’s Orizzonti section in 2020) and Tensione superficiale.

Teased to be a modern, cerebral, crime tale along the lines of Shotgun Stories, the film stars Félix Lefebvre (nominated for 2021’s Best New Hope César and awarded the Acting Revelation Lumière for Summer of 85 [+see also:
film review
film profile
, similarly well-received in Wild Seas [+see also:
film review
film profile
and All To Play For [+see also:
film review
interview: Delphine Deloget
film profile
, and hitting cinemas next year in L’amour égaré and Ni chaînes ni maîtres), Patrick d’Assumçao (nominated for 2014’s Best Supporting Role César thanks to Stranger by the Lake [+see also:
film review
interview: Alain Guiraudie
film profile
, and recently seen in The Taste of Things [+see also:
film review
film profile
and Jeanne du Barry [+see also:
film review
film profile
), Raphaël Thiéry (especially impressive in Scarlet [+see also:
film review
interview: Pietro Marcello
film profile
and The Dreamer [+see also:
film review
interview: Anaïs Tellenne
film profile
), Lina-Camélia Lumbroso, Lola Le Lann and Rachid Guellaz.

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Written by Sébastien Gendron and Dominique Baumard (who also teamed up with the director on The Third War and turned heads with Le jeune imam [+see also:
film review
film profile
and nine episodes of The Bureau [+see also:
interview: Frédéric Lavigne
series profile
), the story begins one night when three youngsters shoot the owners of a hunting lodge. The man who hired them claims that he only asked them to do one thing: to scare these people who were opposing him. How can a person kill someone when they’re barely 20 years old and it’s not a wartime situation?

Le domaine is produced by Thierry Lounas on behalf of Capricci (who also partnered with the director on his first feature), in co-production with Wild West, and has been pre-purchased by Netflix France. Likewise backed by the Pays de la Loire region (where the 33-day film shoot is set to unspool, with Martin Rit heading up photography) and by the SOFICA company Cofinova, Aloi’s feature film will be distributed in France by Capricci and sold worldwide by Goodfellas.

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(Translated from French)

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