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Series review: Power Play


- The political comedy, snappy and funny, playful and satirical, reconstructs with great freedom and humour historical moments of the last century in Norway using modern narrative elements

Series review: Power Play
Kathrine Thorborg Johansen in Power Play

Power Play, screened at the first South International Series Festival, is the recreation of the story of Gro Harlem Brundtland, a young doctor and abortion activist, who almost by accident is drawn into high politics. Last April it won the award for best series and best music (composed by Kåre Vestrheim) at Canneseries - Cannes International Series Festival.

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The plot, which begins in Oslo in the 1970s, shows how, as the government collapses around her, Gro learns to play her own power games, rising through the ranks to become the last woman standing in the ruins of Labour's social democracy, to become Prime Minister of Norway in 1981. This hilarious political comedy reveals the relentless climb of Gro (played by Kathrine Thorborg Johansen) to the top of politics, surrounded by inept, bumbling, clumsy and selfish men, "a field of turnips". Where politicians spend their energies on retaining their power instead of seeking the social good, and where this woman committed to abortion and the environment will overcome all adversities.

Created by Johan Fasting, scripted (based on real events) by Silje Storstein, Kristin Grue and Johan Fasting, and directed by Yngvild Sve Flikke, André Chocron, Elle Márjá Eira, Johan Fasting and Stian Kristiansen, Power Play knows how to play the narrative cards of contemporary series even though it is set in decades of the last century (and shot in 16 mm). It uses an ultra-fast montage, with energetic and intelligent dialogue, and includes, to introduce the characters, graphics reminiscent of comic book sketches, where the humour and irony that permeates each episode is noted.

Documentary footage is weaved into it of the real characters on which it is based. Some of these characters break the fourth wall by addressing those filming them, and another even dares to jump from their side of the split screen to the other side to light their cigarette with the audience's lighter from miles away. All this achieves an extra complicity of the audience, eager to learn about the most dastardly and filthy intricacies of politics, no matter their ideological orientation (although we can come to understand why the left is in crisis everywhere).

Power Play is a series (twelve 55-minute long episodes) produced by Motlys/Novemberfilm - A Fremantle label, in association with NRK. Its sales are managed by REinvent International Sales. It will be released on 29 October in its country.

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(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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