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Agnès de Sacy makes the leap to film direction with La Fille d’un Grand Amour


- Isabelle Carré, François Damiens and Claire Duburcq star in the French screenwriter’s first directorial effort, produced by Pan Cinéma and now in the shooting phase

Agnès de Sacy makes the leap to film direction with La Fille d’un Grand Amour
Actress Isabelle Carré (© Georges Biard), actor François Damiens (© Georges Biard) and actress Claire Duburcq (© Unifrance)

Filming on La Fille d’un Grand Amour, the debut feature film directed by screenwriter Agnès de Sacy, who has penned upwards of 25 feature films, including Forever Young [+see also:
film review
interview: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
film profile
(which earned her a Best Original Screenplay César nomination in 2023) and One For the Road [+see also:
film profile
(nominated in the Best Adapted Screenplay category in 2010) has now entered the home straight.

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The cast of her first directorial effort includes Isabelle Carré (awarded the Best Actress César in 2003 for Beautiful Memories [+see also:
film profile
, nominated for the award a further four times, and recently seen in The Lulus), Belgium’s François Damiens (nominated for the 2015 and 2016 Best Actor César by way of The Bélier Family [+see also:
making of
film profile
and Cowboys [+see also:
film review
film profile
, seen this year in Killing Blues and La guerre des Lulus), Claire Duburcq (recently well-received in She Is Conann [+see also:
film review
interview: Bertrand Mandico
film profile
and The Vourdalak [+see also:
film review
interview: Adrien Beau
film profile
) and Marc Bodnar (seen in The Night of the 12th [+see also:
film review
interview: Dominik Moll
film profile

Written by the director in collaboration with Michel Spinosa and Gilles Taurand, the story begins one November morning in 1975. A young woman called Ana (Isabelle Carré) returns home, her cheeks ablaze after dancing all night. Bizarrely, her husband Yves (François Damiens), who’d waited up for her, worried, asks her forgiveness and leaves their home. A little girl watches their separation from the darkness of the hallway… In the spring of 1991, Cécile (Claire Duburcq), the little girl in the hallway, is 25 years old. She’s a student at a film school and is tasked with an assignment: “Film Your Parents”. Cécile films them separately and asks them about a subject which is legendary for her: how they met. Ana and Yves’ memories are different yet identical, and reliving those moments in their lives reminds them of the strength of their feelings…

La Fille d’un Grand Amour is produced by Philippe Godeau on behalf of Pan Cinéma, in co-production with France 2 Cinéma and Belgium’s Artemis Productions. Pre-purchased by Canal+, Ciné+ and France Télévisions, and enjoying further support from the Occitanie region, the feature film began shooting on 16 October and is set to wrap on 28 November, having travelled to Spain, the Eastern Pyrenees and Paris with Denis Lenoir heading up photography. Distribution in France falls to Pan Distribution.

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(Translated from French)

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