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EVENTS Belgium

Tribute to Marion Hänsel


The Walloon-Brussels Centre in Paris is organising a tribute to the Belgium director and producer Marion Hänsel. The event will run from November 17 to 22 and the public will have the chance to see the complete works by the filmmaker: from the short film Equilibres (1977) to feature length films like Le Lit (1982, nominated for the Best Foreign Film César), Dust (1984 Silver Lion at Venice), Les noces barbares (1987), Il Maestro (1989), Between Heaven and Earth (1992), Between the devil and the deep blue sea (1995), The Quarry (1998) and Clouds: Letters to My Son (2001).
There’ll also be the chance to see two films recently produced by Hänsel, Almost Nothing by Sébastien Lifshitz (1999) and No Man’s Land [+see also:
film profile
by Danis Tanovic (2001), as well as the film that the director has chosen for her round table debate, Blow Up by Michelangelo Antonioni (1967).

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The initiative is part of events being held for publication of a book about Marion Hänsel, done by CGRI and the Ministry of the French Community in Belgium. The screenings will take place at the Walloon-Brussels Centre, 46 rue Quincampoix in Paris (75004).
For information: tel. +33 1 53 01 96 96.

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(Translated from French)

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