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FIFDH Impact Days announces its 2024 selection


- Sixteen projects from diverse global origins have been selected and are slated to be presented during the special event scheduled for March 2024 in Geneva

FIFDH Impact Days announces its 2024 selection
The selected projects

The upcoming sixth edition of FIFDH Impact Days, a specialised programme dedicated to impact strategies for documentaries at various stages of production, has announced its selection. The event aims to facilitate connections between filmmakers, producers, NGOs, organisations and foundations, offering them opportunities to form potential partnerships and devise impactful strategies. For the upcoming edition, 16 projects have been invited to participate. Impact Days is an integral part of the Geneva International Film Festival and Forum on Human Rights (FIFDH), which is celebrating its 22nd edition from 8-17 March next year.

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This year’s selection process saw 170 documentary-project submissions sent in, originating from 65 countries across five continents. The final selection of 16 projects showcases directors from 21 countries, ensuring an equal gender representation, with a perfectly balanced 50:50 split between men and women. The selected documentaries cover an extensive range of narratives, from exploring the lives of Afghan female politicians in exile to rituals involving male crying in Brazil. They delve into diverse topics such as the efforts to dub a Disney blockbuster into Quechua, tales of love within the deaf community, the environmental and human impacts of Big Oil in Nigeria, incidences of press killings in Mexico, the stories of children born of Daesh rape, and the challenges faced by individuals coming of age without an official identity in the Shatila refugee camp. This selection traverses the globe to shed light on crucial and often alarming subjects that demand attention and deserve raised awareness.

The scheduled activities for the selected filmmakers and producers are segmented into two sessions. Commencing in January, the first part involves the Impact Lab, an online workshop designed to aid them in developing their impact campaign. This workshop will also be open to a wide audience of observers. Within these sessions, a public webinar discussing the benefits and security concerns related to exposing human rights defenders in documentaries and impact campaigns is set to be held online on 18 January. Following this, from 10-12 March, the event will occur in Geneva. During this phase, the projects will be presented, offering participants an opportunity to engage with strategic partners. Additionally, a cash prize will be awarded to the best project during this event.

Here is the list of the projects selected for the sixth FIFDH Impact Days:

#TimesUp Kyrgyzstan - Leigh Iacobucci (Kyrgyzstan/Switzerland)
Producer: Véronique Vergari (luna films)

All Rivers Spill Their Secrets (To the Sea) - Jeanie Finlay (UK)
Producer: Charlie Phillips (I am Charlie)

An Unfinished Journey - Aeyliya Husain, Amie Williams (Canada/Greece)
Producers: Nadine Pequeneza, Charlotte Uzu (HitPlay Productions)

The Battle for Laikipia - Daphne Matziaraki, Peter Murimi (Kenya)
Producers: Maya Craig, Toni Kamau (We are not the machine Ltd)

Brotherhood of Weeping Men - Helena de Castro (Brazil)
Producer: Roberta Sauerbronn (Saraguina Filmes)
Impact producer: Rodrigo Díaz Díaz

Hakuchu Munayta - Augusto Zegarra (Peru)
Producers: Claudia Chávez Lévano, Paloma Iturriaga (Estudio Alaska 88)
Impact producer: Ellen Schneider

Hawar, Our Banished Children - Pascale Bourgaux (Belgium)
Producers: Isabelle Truc, Elisa Garbar (Iota Production)
Impact producer: Emmy Oost

I Made a Mistake Coming Here - Kseniya Halubovich (Belarus/France)
Producers: Esther van Messel, Louis Beaudemont (Les Steppes Productions)

The Long Rescue - Jennifer Huang (Philippines/USA)
Producers: Jethro Patalinghug, Hanz Florentino (Treeclimber Media LLC)

NIÑXS - Kani Lapuerta (Mexico/Germany)
Producers: Suleica Pineda, Martha Orozco, Anke Petersen, Dirk Manthey (La Sandia Digital AC)
Impact producers: Anke Petersen, Martha Orozco

The Pickers - Elke Sasse (Germany)
Producers: Kristian Kähler (Berlin Producers Media GmbH)
Impact producer: Valentin Thurn

Pülö: Bloodstream of the Kirike - Christina Ifubaraboye (Nigeria)
Producers: Elisa Mereghetti, Ufuoma Ogagarue (IMBUU Media)
Impact producer: Christina Ifubaraboye

Son of the Streets - Mohammed Almughanni (Lebanon)
Producer: Glib Lukianets (Gaza Films)
Impact producer: Janay Boulos

State of Silence - Santiago Maza (Mexico)
Producers: Diego Luna, Abril López Carrillo (La Corriente del Golfo)
Impact producers: Michelle Plascencia, Merle Ilina

This Is a Quiet Love - Garry Keane (Ireland)
Producers: Anne Heffernan, Sean Herlihy (Curious North Productions Ltd)

Waiting for Winter - Farid Ahmad (Bangladesh)
Producers: Vincent Wang, Salma Sonia (Noyakar Productions)

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