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David Baute's Black Butterflies heads to Annecy


- The environmental plea directed by the Canarian filmmaker travels across three continents through the adventures of several real women affected by the ravages of climate change

David Baute's Black Butterflies heads to Annecy

After more than eight years of gestation, the 2D animated film Black Butterflies, the fourth feature film from Canarian David Baute (director of the non-fiction films Éxodo climático, La murga, ópera popular and Ella), will premiere at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (9-15 June) in the Contrechamp section. In English, Spanish, Bengali, Turkana, French and Arabic, the film is for audiences of all ages.

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This environmental drama is inspired by real women, which offers a journey from Africa, the Caribbean and Asia towards an uncertain future for all humanity. With a script by Yaiza Berrocal, it tells the story of how climate change impacts the lives of Tanit, Valeria and Shaila. The three of them come from very different parts of the world, but share something in common: they have lost lose everything due to global warming and are forced to migrate.

David Baute, who is also artistic director of MiradasDoc and the Canary Islands International Environmental Film Festival (FICMEC), which is being held this week, acknowledges that, "since the beginning of my career I have always linked my artistic production to social issues such as migration, the environment and the lives of underrepresented women. Black Butterflies combines these three motivations in order to stir the viewer's awareness, through empathy and reflection."

"Tanit, Shaila and Valeria are women who struggle to maintain their identity, to not disappear in the migratory challenge due to climate change, which has taken away their roots and references", continues the director. "Their main battle is not to lose their voice and to tell their stories. They are blurred women who struggle not to blend in with the grey environment that rejects them. But the film is not just their stories, it is the chronicle of a dark chapter of our planet, plagued by an uncomfortable and urgent truth."

Producer Edmon Roch (of the production company Ikiru Films, which is currently developing the fourth instalment of the Tadeo Jones animated saga) reveals that, “from the moment David contacted me back in February 2016, I knew this was a necessary film. The World Bank estimates that climate change will cause 216 million people to leave their homes by 2050 in Latin America, Africa and South Asia. Most come from regions that have not contributed to global warming. Paradoxically, those who are suffering the worst consequences of climate change are the least responsible for its causes.”

Black Butterflies is produced by the Spanish companies Tinglado Film, Ikiru Films, Anangu Grup and Corporació Catalana de Mitjans Audiovisuals in co-production with the Panamanian company Tunche Films. It has the participation of RTVC3CAT and Mogambo, with funding from the ICAA and is supported by ICEC, the Canary Islands Government and the Island Council of Tenerife.

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(Translated from Spanish by Vicky York)

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