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Félix Sabroso shooting the series Furia for Max


- A quintet of great actresses, Candela Peña, Carmen Machi, Cecilia Roth, Nathalie Poza and Pilar Castro, star in this contemporary satire peppered with fury, vengeance and the thirst for justice

Félix Sabroso shooting the series Furia for Max
l-r: Actresses Nathalie Poza, Pilar Castro, Candela Peña, Carmen Machi and Cecilia Roth (© Max)

Madrid is currently hosting the shoot for Furia, the new series created and directed by Félix Sabroso, and being produced by Producciones Mandarina for Max in Spain. It boasts the involvement of five great actresses: Candela Peña (who won three Goya Awards, for Princesas [+see also:
film profile
, A Gun in Each Hand [+see also:
film profile
and Rosa’s Wedding [+see also:
film review
film profile
, and who has worked with the director several times before and has just been appearing in the successful Netflix series The Asunta Case [+see also:
series profile
), Carmen Machi (who scooped a Goya Award for Spanish Affair [+see also:
film profile
, who has teamed up with the director before and whom we saw at Málaga in We Treat Women Too Well [+see also:
film profile
), Argentina’s Cecilia Roth (winner of a Goya Award for Martín (Hache) and All About My Mother, and glimpsed in the recent series La Mesías [+see also:
series review
series profile
), Nathalie Poza (Goya Award for Can’t Say Goodbye [+see also:
film review
interview: Lino Escalera
film profile
and Rosa’s Wedding, recently appearing in Honeymoon) and Pilar Castro (seen not long ago in Fleeting Lies [+see also:
series review
interview: Esther García
series profile
). The Canarian filmmaker previously directed Mujeres and Fleeting Lies in the series format, both of which were produced by Pedro Almodóvar’s company, El Deseo, as well as feature films of the likes of Perdona bonita, pero Lucas me quería a mí, Chill Out and The Island Inside [+see also:
interview: Dunia Ayaso and Félix Sabroso
film profile
, alongside the late Dunia Ayaso.

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According to the Max platform, Furia is a contemporary portrait of five characters who head up this surprising, realistic and intense drama. These women are willing to do whatever it takes in the face of extreme situations, such as extortion, oppression, deception, exclusion and manipulation, in a one-of-a-kind, modern world that they all share, hinging on conflicts that will unfurl like a butterfly effect, with each occurring as consequence of the previous one… And so it will go on until they experience a shared catharsis. It’s a kaleidoscopic portrait, a snapshot of today’s society with a healthy dose of irony and humour.

In the words of its creator and director, Félix Sabroso, “Be it on their worst day or their best day, five women in extreme situations will whip out the vigilante they all have inside of them, just like a flick knife. Even so, not even they will be able to save themselves from the savageness of this portrayal, where selfishness, self-interests winning out over emotions, and collective madness are just some of the ingredients of this raging, realistic satire.”

“Max strides down its new path with Furia, which attests to its solid investment in fiction. Thanks to the vision of Félix Sabroso and his extraordinary ability to tread the fine line between drama and comedy, plus the opportunity to bring together five iconic and extraordinarily talented actresses for the first time, we are sure that this exciting story will connect with the audience,” stated Alberto Carullo, vice-president of Max Local Original Production Iberia & Italy. “Furia reflects the moment we’re living through, bristling with conflicts, which unleashes extreme reactions in our five leads. We couldn’t have hoped for a more talented individual to tell this story than Sabroso,” he sums up.

Furia is an eight-episode series, with each instalment lasting 25 minutes. Alberto Carullo, Antonio Trashorras and David Ocaña are the executive producers for Max. Santi Botello and Tedy Villalba Jr are the executive producers for Producciones Mandarina. The show will be aired on Max in 2025. 

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(Translated from Spanish)

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