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EXCLUSIVE: First clips for Tribeca entry Hidden Era


- The directorial debut by Carlos Vargas explores societal norms and the power of art against the backdrop of Rastafarianism in Mozambique

EXCLUSIVE: First clips for Tribeca entry Hidden Era

In the vibrant city of Maputo, Rastafari artist Phambi (28) grapples with securing his son’s education amidst the rhythmic beats of Mozambique. Perennially on the brink of expulsion due to payment delays, Phambi’s artistic journey becomes a compelling narrative, showcasing the challenges and triumphs of an artist navigating the unique landscape of Mozambique.

This is the synopsis of Hidden Era [+see also:
film review
interview: Carlos Vargas
film profile
, the debut film by Colombian-born, Berlin-based director Carlos Vargas, which is having its world premiere in the Viewpoints section at the Tribeca Film Festival, taking place from 5-16 June.

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According to the filmmaker, "Hidden Era is a celebration of resilience, a visual and auditory odyssey that invites audiences to reflect on the power of art and activism in driving social change. As a director, my intent is to immerse viewers in the rich cultural tapestry of Maputo, inviting them to explore the hidden layers of a society in flux and to recognise the unsung heroes who, against all odds, shape the course of history. Through this film, I aim to amplify the voices of those often marginalised, shedding light on the transformative potential of art and the indomitable spirit of individuals who defy societal expectations to forge a path of their own."

Vargas has worked as a cinematographer and producer, before directing his first feature. Over the past six years, his frequent journeys to Africa have fuelled his passion for diverse narratives. Last year, he served as both cinematographer and producer on Edmundo Bejarano's Melody of Love, a film that also had its world premiere in Tribeca's Viewpoints section.

Hidden Era was produced by Vargas himself for Kopperkollektive GmbH.

Check our exclusive first clips below:

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