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MEETINGS Switzerland

Europe in Zurich


This year, for the first time since their creation in 1996, the Der kurzen Wege European Meetings (November 24/25) are taking place in Zurich. The aim of the event is to foster cooperation in production between Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The event will see participation by distributors, producers, representatives form the TV networks and institutions that support the cinema industry. There will be discussions on around 30 projects, in the German language, sent in by the three countries. The big names attending this year’s event include Gerhard Schedel from the Austrian Film Institute, Gabriele Pfennigsdorf from the Bavarian TV Fund, Gabriele Roethemeyer from the Bade Wurtenberg MFG Institute for Film Support.
This fifth edition will feature the presentation of 5 Swiss projects: Sennentuntschi by Michael Steiner, produced by C-Films; Menschenkind by Markus Imboden, produced by Annazarah Films; Into Silence by N. Wiedmer and P. Guyer, produced by Recycled TV/Biograph Film; L'Accordeon by Alice Schmid, produced by Broken Silence and Secondo by Nino Jacusso, produced by Insertfilm.
These meetings are a chance for Swiss producers to meet their European counterparts and find ways to complete their projects. In fact only 35% of the projects presented during the previous editions of the event were abandoned.

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(Translated from French)

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