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The writing residency organised for Groupe Ouest’s Annual Selection comes to an end


- The Brittany-based writing residency has published the booklet detailing the end result of the writing carried out on the eight feature film projects which were selected in 2024

The writing residency organised for Groupe Ouest’s Annual Selection comes to an end
l-r: Angela Ottobah, Xavier Demoulin, Violette Garcia and Alexander Abaturov during the residency (© Brigitte Bouillot)

At the end of four tailored sessions unfurling across nine months under the aegis of Groupe Ouest - which has been the first choice in Europe for film and fiction writing residencies for some years now - the projects forming part of the 2024 Annual Selection (read our news) have undergone an evolution, and this creative progress can be seen in the recently published Booklet (available for download in French here).

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For the record, these projects are Commune by Zeno Graton, Bébé d’or by Angela Ottobah, Brume by Alexander Abaturov, À part faire des grillades, il ne se passait rien by Violette Garcia, À bord, la vie by Coralie Lavergne, La fille des bois by Xavier Demoulin, Torem by Julien Meynet and Life Is Good by François Vacarisas.

Groupe Ouest will also see some of its selected projects from previous residencies swinging into action this year, with Fascination by Lucile Hadzihalilovic, The Islanders by Alanté Kavaïté (read our article – due for release in France on 19 March), Filles du ciel by Bérangère McNeese (article) and L'Engloutie by Louise Hémon (article) now in post-production, and La Baleine by Sylvère Petit (article), La Camel Driving School by Halima Ouardiri, L’ours et l’ermite by Marine Blin and Belle-Île by Elie Grappe currently in production.

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(Translated from French)

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