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FILMS Belgium

Reception Office to open


Following a proposal from the Finance Minister, Serge Kubla, the Walloon government has approved plans for the creation of a Reception Office for films shooting in Walloon, which will be given funding worth €75,000. The aim is to encourage producers and directors, whether from Belgium or abroad, to work in the area. The Reception Office will also have an internet site with a database of images, presenting potential shooting locations. The Office will also be putting together a yearbook, listing professionals working in the area (actors, technicians and producers as well as services) and a summary of the help available for productions that are made in Walloon. The creation of the Reception Office complements the support systems already available in the territory, and is an additional promotional tool to the system already operated through Wallimage. The initiative could also be of interest to investors, thanks to the new tax-shelter recently introduced.

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(Translated from French)

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