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EVENTI Belgium

Biennale Objectif Doc


The Wallonia-Brussels Center in Paris is organizing the 6th edition of the Biennale Objectif Doc from February 23 to March 6, 2004. Known as a particularly productive area for documentatires, Belgium in fact is the home to some of the most interesting think tanks like the CBA in Brussels or the WIP in Liege, as well as production facilities like that of the Dardenne brothers (Dérives) in Liege, which are credited with having encouraged the development of documentaries while safeguarding a diversity of personalities and perspectives. The Biennale Objectif Doc is a non-competitive festival that proposes a selection of 40 recent documentaries that were produced in Vallonia or Brussels. For the opening on February 23rd, Belgian director Richard Olivier will present his documentary Remember Marvin Gaye, with some images of the musician’s 1981 exile in Ostend. There will also be a retrospective dedicated to Thierry Michel with the projection of Chroniques des saisons d’acier (1971), Gosses de Rio (1988) and Mobutu, roi di Zaire (1999). For the closing of this event Patric Jean will present the preview of his film La raison du plus fort, which should be released in Belgium in the spring of 2004.

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(Translated from French)

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