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IndieLisboa, deadline countdown


The deadline for film subscriptions to IndieLisboa - Lisbon Independent Film Festival is next Monday, February 21.
The IndieLisboa 2005 edition, that will take place between April 21 and the 1st of May, will be composed of two sections. Registations to the Official Competition are opened to all first and second films in 35mm, 16mm and video, directed in 2004 and 2005, of which first public presentation in Portugal are to take place during the festival. The best film will win a prize of 5000€ while the best short-film will be awarded a 2500€ prize. The "Observatory" section is opened to films answering the same criteria as those applying to the official section, except for the "first presentation in the country".

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IndieLisboa was launched last year and quickly became one of the most exciting national film events. The programme – a mix of short and feature films, documentaries and animation projects that would most certainly encounter difficulties to circulate abroad – attracted the attention of both an audience eager to catch new references and of the audiovisual industry professionals.
The full package of information is available on the official website of the festival.

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