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BERLINALE 2005 Competition

Sophie’s choice


The public’s reaction after the screening had left no doubt about Marc Rothemund’s chances to win a Bear. His Sophie in Sophie Scholl, The Last Days is tragic and strong like a modern Joan of Arc. Her painful determination really moved the audience.
The film was drawn for recently-found official documents about this heroin of the German resistance against the Nazis. It depicts with much simplicity Sophie’s trial and sentence to death, describing the personal and intimate sides of her last days.
Sophie Scholl was hardly twenty two when she was arrested on the 18th of February 1943 for handing, together with her brother Hans, some tracts for their group ‘The White Rose’ . She was found guilty after a long investigation and was sentenced to the guillotine.

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Sophie Scholl, The Last Days [+see also:
film profile
is the hundred-thousandth film the FSK (the German censorship commission) has examined, but it is only Marc Rothemund’s third movie. The young director (1968 generation), had already had great success with the sassy comedy Harte Jungs in 1999.
Sophie Scholl, The Last Days was produced by Goldkind Filmproduktion GmbH & Co. KG and Broth Film with the support of Arte, BR, and SWR. International sales are handled by Bavaria International.

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(Translated from Italian)

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