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Medusa’s 10th birthday


The Italian distribution company Medusa Film has just celebrated the tenth birthday of its creation. In 10 years, Medusa has distributed no less than 413 films, 147 of which are Italian productions. The company invests between 80 and 90 million euros each year, half of which goes to foreign productions ; the other half is dedicated to local ones. The chief-administrator and vice-president of Medusa, Giampaolo Letta declared that the benefits in all sectors (including VHS and DVD sales and theatrical shows...) reached 250 million euros in 2004.

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‘Our initial purpose was to combine artistic works and popular movies,’ Letta explains. ‘It was confirmed over the years, even though the range of films we distribute is now much wider, blockbusters, confirmed masters’ works, young directors, etc. Independant productions are crucial for us,’ Letta adds.

Paolo Pozzi, head of distribution for Medusa, sees summer as a venture which could be worth the risk : ‘It is necessary to create events around new releases. This summer, we will probably launch Gabriele Salvatores’s latest film, Quo vadis baby?, if it is ready ; we scheduled L’empire des loups by Chris Nahon, starring Jean Reno and Laura Morante, for the end of May.’ And on the 6th of May, Medusa releases Kingdom of Heaven, by Ridley Scott.

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(Translated from Italian)

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