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Teodora distributes Dalecarlian


One of the titles in the line-up of Teodora for the next season is the excellent sentimental comedy L'amore non basta mai [+see also:
film review
interview: Maria Blom
film profile
(Dalecarlians - MasjŠvlar), by the Swedish director Maria Blom. This film, presented in Rotterdam, focuses on three sisters in a village near Stockholm with a humour similar to Woody Allen's in his comedies (cf. the Focus on published in Cineuropa).

'The films we present exhibitors with are always of high-quality,' says proudly Cesare Petrillo, the sole administrator of Teodora. 'At the end of August or the beginning of September, we will release Shangai Dreams, by Wang Xiashuai, who won the Jury's Prize 2005 in Cannes. Then, we have Adam's Apples (Adams ¾bler), a comedy noir by the Danish director Anders Thomas Jensen (who wrote the script of Brothers) which has been a big hit in its own country, so we might make it our Christmas film.'
Teodora will also distribute After the Wedding (Efter brylluppet), a melodrama directed by Susan Bier and produced by Zentropa Productions which might go to the next Berlin Film Festival before its release in Denmark in March 2006.

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(Translated from Italian)

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