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An Ibero-American window in Brussels


FestCEAL, formally known as the Brussels Spanish and Latin American Film Festival, returns to the Belgian capital between the 3rd and the 22nd November. In its 13th edition, the event will present a selection of over 70 films (fiction and documentaries), 3 films in tribute to Dom Quijote, a Spanish short film section underlying emerging animation directors, a focus on the productions made in Valencia and Castilla la Mancha, the section "La Belgique fait son Cinéma", presenting two documentaries co-produced in Belgium, previews, as well as the new edition of the audiovisual market between Europe and Latin America, now called on as ENIFILM

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Eighteen Spanish (co)productions will be running for the Spanish Film Prize, 3.000 euros towards distribution. Three documentaries (Oliver Stone's Looking for Fidel, Borja Manso's Real, la película and Rolando Ariel Pardo's Cantando bajo la tierra) will share the public attention with 15 feature films: the second film by Daniela Fejerman and Ines París, Semen, una historia de amor ((see the Film Focus); Pasos, the directorial debut of Argentinean actor Feredico Luppi; the thriller Ausentes by Daniel Calparsoro; Amor Idiota, the Berlin awarded film by Catalan Ventura Pons, Heroína, the tale by Gerado Herrero of a mother fighting against the drug trafficking in Galicia, Juanma Bajo Ulloa's Frágil the love story between a little girl and a Hollywood star, Chus Gutiérrez Ortiz's view on the 80's movida movement in El Calentito, as well as Roberto Santiago's El penaltí más largo del mundo, El tren de la memória by Marta Arribas and Ana Pérez, Marcelo Piñeyro's El método Grönholm, Mariana Barroso's Hormigas en la boca, Manolo Matjí's Horas de Luz, Miguel Bardem Aguado's Incautos, Patricia Ferreira's Para que no me olvides and Francisco Rodríguez's 90 millas.
As for previews, Mónica Cervera will be under the spotlight presenting two of her films, which will be opening soon in Belgium. The actress will be at the Festival to present Alex de la Iglesia's Crimen Ferpecto (distribution Coopérative Nouveau Cinéma) and Ramón Salazar's 20 cm [+see also:
film profile
(distribution: Paradiso Films).

From the 7th to the 9th of November, the ENIFILM audiovisual market's 7th Edition, structured in two sections (Co-production Market and Sales & Distribution), will encourage the meeting of 20 Latin American companies and the film professionals from Belgium, Spain, France, UK and Italy. According to Mahe Aja, head of the Market, the event "is the only one with these features in Belgium. I am proud to announce that this year the festival will present a Spanish-Argentinean co-production, which was negotiated in the market’s previous edition:: Como mariposas en la luz by Diego Yaker". Besides, meetings between the FestCEAL and professionals from other Spanish Fim Festivals in Europe, such as Málaga, Toulouse, Nantes, Manchester or Tübingen-Stuttgart will reinforce the professional dynamics of this year's edition. José Luis Escudero, director of FestCEAL, mentioned the possibility of creating a common award given by all those Festivals, a bit like the Méliès Prize, given by the European federation of Fantastic Film festivals.

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