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Father of Four and N°1


ASA Production’s family film Far til fire-gir aldrig op (Father of Four) directed by Claus Bjerre has taken the Danish box office number one position by storm. Released by Angel Films during school break, the film has scored a record 409,610 admissions in only two weeks from 119 screens, pushing Anders Thomas Jensen’s Adam’s Apples [+see also:
film review
interview: Anders Thomas Jensen
interview: Mads Mikkelsen
interview: Tivi Magnusson
film profile
from the first to second place at the local box office (355,389 admissions).

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Father of Four is a revival of the successful Danish franchise films from the 50s and 60s based on a popular strip cartoon about a single father and his four lively children. In this new production, a father (Niels Olsen) is fired because he doesn’t match the new corporate profile. Meanwhile his children Søs becomes a model, Ole struggles to put a band together, Mie organizes a big talent show at school and Per attempts to solve the family’s problems in his own special way.
This is the second feature film by Bjerre who directed the children’s film Cirkus Ildebrand in 1995 following his graduation from the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts.

The film is produced by Henrik Møller-Sørensen for his company ASA Film, with Easy Film and Scanbox Entertainment Production, and co-financing from the Danish Film Institute and TV2 Denmark.

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